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All Content by RNIAM

  1. or area in nursing school? I would say so far it is ICU nursing. I loved it. Lots to do and tons of interesting skills to practice.
  2. What does this mean???

    as the NLN exams? The NLN are the ones our school uses and then we will take a big assessment test in the spring to see how well we will do on our NCLEX exam. I was jsut curious if these HESI tests are the same as the NLN exams.
  3. Finally, it's over...

    Good job now enjoy your break!:)
  4. Grade structure

    The pluses and minuses.
  5. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    okay I have to say that I don't care whether or not Jack is gay, straight, bi whatever. He is just too cool... and so very funny!:) Let's get back to Jack. Have you all seen the episode were jack is in the choir and he is trying to prove that whats h...
  6. Yeah, I passed!!

    That is a great acomplishment. Keep it up!:)
  7. Wow I can't believe this

    It has been a tough haul but it has been alot of fun too. I am looking forward to walking across that stage in June!
  8. Funny video's

    Thanks for sharing.
  9. 12 STD's of Christmas

    :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle
  10. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    For the humor sake and nothing else. That show is just so funny. I watch that show every week and enjoy it for the pure entertainment of it. :)
  11. dishonesty in clinical rotation

    It wouldn't ahve been the choice I would ahve chosen but i am glad it is all working out for you. I certainly hope in all fairness that these people that were accused of such a terrible thing were in fact guilty.
  12. dishonesty in clinical rotation

    What I would want to know before doing anything is. Are you certain that they did not bath the patient? Were you there and did you see it? If you didn't how do you know, absolutely know what has occured or has not occured? Please never take anyones w...
  13. I posted my B grades and it seems like I am the only one? Am I or are all of you B students out there made to feel ashamed of your grades? It seems lately there has been an aweful lot of talk about being an A student. I was feeling kind of down about...
  14. I have been very lucky to have spent a great deal of time in a teaching hospital and have already participated of watched most of the procedures you have mentioned. I am sure there is alot you haven't mentioned that a nurse is required to do. The par...
  15. to go for my MSN. Can you plese give me some insight. The school would have to be recongnized in NY state. Thanks everyone
  16. How many IVs....

    We don't learn how to start an IV in class. We hang bags, flush them, D/C them but we don't start them. We haven't received any information on how to start them at all. They tell us that it has been a liability issue in the past but that I find hard ...
  17. How many IVs....

    Doesn't allow nursing students to do anything invasive at all. We will learn it on the job. The most we get to do is insert a foley.
  18. Where would you stand?

    I just wanted to sned out a cyber hug to you. I am sure you know in your heart what you need to do. Just know that I send my heart felt wishes to you and your mom. (((hugs)))
  19. Okay I should be writing it but I seem to be procrastinating a great deal. It is a very long paper. So it is taking awhile to write and I am getting bored. It is a pt care study. I can't wait until it is over. Just my little whine for the day. I have...
  20. What was your physical like???

    I had a physical but it was really no big deal. Listen to my heart, lungs, checked my neck and then said I am assuming you have had a pelvic exam, so your ok. I had high blood pressure but it wasn't enough to have me out of the program. Good luck to ...
  21. Teacher's Pet

    hey, I happen to love being the teachers pet. the way they rub my belly when I role on my back is just purrrrrfect...lol. (makes me want to hurl but hey, what ever floats some people boats!) Hey in the end as long as they slap a degree in my hand I a...
  22. I am glad you were able to vent your feelings. Sometimes just saying I am stressed reduces stress. Here are some of the things that have worked for me. Spend five minutes in the moringin before getting out of bed just deep breathing. Focus on breathi...
  23. Here's a Tip on Handling Criticism

    That is so true. You here so many stories of instructors laying people out in front of everyone. It is nice to she she showed you respect.
  24. How long is your Christmas break?

    WE get about 4 weeks off for vacation and I am looking forward to it very much!
  25. Here's a Tip on Handling Criticism

    Wow, I am truly impressed.