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All Content by RNIAM

  1. Hi everyone. Wow this is the reason I love this bb. I can feel the love. My advice is simple, enjoy the journey. Study hard but remember sometimes it is easier to take things day by day(remember the lavender when ther stress gets too much). I know th...
  2. My grades are in and it is official I will be graduating on Friday!! I am thrilled and excited about the whole thing. I can't believe it is really here and I made it. I had my moments for sure but I am so glad I made it through. I will try to remembe...
  3. I am finished nursing school!!!!

    Thank you all once again. I can't wait unitl tomorrow. You are all the best!
  4. I am finished nursing school!!!!

    Thank you all and best wishes to all!
  5. I am in my final weeks of the program. I am so excited. Has anyone graduated yet? If you have are you signed up for the boards? If your going to graduate soon please share your great news here. I have my final exam in nursing and my final in pharmac...
  6. 2004 graduates check in!!!

    To be honest it feels unreal. It is truly amazing and I feel awesome.
  7. Finally, I am a Graduate Nurse!

    What a long road we have travelled. This is an aswesome expereince and I am so happy for you.
  8. 2004 graduates check in!!!

    hi, just getting this back to the top of the heap. Anymore graduates out there??
  9. 2004 graduates check in!!!

    Congrats to everyone. This is so exciting!! Anyone else out there?
  10. 2004 graduates check in!!!

    I am sure their has to be more than the three of us graduating this year.
  11. 2004 graduates check in!!!

    Congrats to both of you!!!
  12. Grades dropping in clinicals?

    Hi. my grades have gone up and down. To be honest it really comes down to study habits. the better you study the more on top of your grades you will be. I have seen straight A student fall to B's and C's. I have also seen A students stay A students. ...
  13. We have to pay $150.00 for graduation. What do you have to pay and what does the fee pay for? Edited to correct spelling
  14. Nursing School Survival

    Get a lot of chap stick!!!
  15. 2004 Graduates

    May, 2004TH!!!!I can't believe it is almost here.
  16. How many A's in the actual nursing courses?

    I believe we might have one person who has a 4.0 but I am not sure. There are about 6 that have at least a 3.5 and the rest are below that. We have a graduating class of 40 I believe.
  17. graduation rate

    I would not take every word your professors say as gospel. I would check the board of nursing in your state to find out for sure. In the school I attend we take an assessment test which predicts whether or not we will pass the boards, however it does...
  18. Anyone still use apothecary conversions

    We learned it as well. I havne't seen it yet but have heard that some of the older Docs still use it.
  19. Instructors

    I have had awesome clinical instructors as well. They were all respectful and kind. I have had a great expereince at my school and i just wish everyone was as lucky!
  20. I have a job!!

    I interviewed at a local hospital and I was called on Friday. They offered me a position on the cardiac unit! I am so happy. It is the floor I had hoped for. All I have to do now is graduate...lol. So far so good. I can't wait for May! Spring break ...
  21. Student Nurse Prayer

    That you, that prayers sums it up nicely.
  22. I have a job!!

    Thank you everyone. I am so excited. So far I am doing well in maternal/child nursing.(keeping my fingers crossed here.) I have always loved cardiac. It just makes sense to me. Good luck to all of you in your searches and I wish you all much sucess ...
  23. Loans are how I am paying for school.
  24. Feeling good!!!!!

    good job! :)
  25. I am so excited mine will be held the May 21. It is a Friday I think and it will be held in the afternoon. I am not sure about the time yet. I am so excited! :)