Halinja BSN, RN


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All Content by Halinja

  1. Halinja


    I would mention it up front. We had relatives working our floor, often they would just put one on a different shift than the other. What you don't want is to appear as if you had withheld information in the interview. Because sooner or later, ever...
  2. Halinja

    Please help Is 40,000 Enough

    I work in Oregon, not too far from Washington. The going rate for new grads here is almost $29 per hour for a 36 hour week. (3 12's) That's a little over 50,000 per year. Often in the hospitals around here you end up working an extra shift every ...
  3. Halinja

    For Sale: Used Nurse. Dirt Cheap!

    Wow! Thanks for sharing. I'm an older 'new' nurse. I too keep feeling like I should be 'doing more', 'moving up.' But i have my doubts too. I enjoy patient care. I enjoy going home and letting others worry about the fiscal health of the organiz...
  4. Yep, titers
  5. Halinja

    How many new grads changed jobs within 1 year

    I went straight into Labor and Delivery after school. I'm an older 'new' nurse. I thought L&D was my 'calling'. Nope. After 7 months I left and went to an ambulatory surgical center doing PACU. Love it. I've been there a year, and have no p...
  6. Halinja

    LPN taking home meds

    Go with the board of nursing...
  7. His statement makes no sense at all. Don't waste any of your energy trying to understand it. Grin. If we were therapists maybe we would gain a few deep and penetrating insights into his character based on his reaction and statement. Nah, why both...
  8. In order to go to nursing school I sold my house, moved to a city where housing was less than half the price, worked part time, and lived on a lot of beans and rice, no new car, no vacations, no cell phone, no amenities. I had grants and took out st...
  9. Halinja

    Huge Nursing School Debt!

    That would be taking on a debt that is truly staggering, and could have very negative effects on your life for years. I attended a state school, worked part time, and at the end of my four year BSN had a student debt of a little over $15,000.00. 75,0...
  10. Halinja

    Patient Warming in Operating Theatres

    I'm not sure how much this will help, but I work at a surgical center. We use something called a BAIR hugger, which is basically a double layer paper gown with two ports. We plug something that looks like a vacuum cleaner hose into a port and turn ...
  11. Halinja

    please help :)

    I'm turning 50 this year. I started back to school in my late 40's, and graduated when I was 48. I became an RN, and had no trouble getting job offers at that age. I think just about any position in the health services would be happy to have you, ...
  12. Halinja

    Health Provisions Slipped into Stimulus Package

    I'm sure I'll get myself in trouble with my opinion, but it isn't always necessary to take the worst case scenario. This is just my opinion. (and yes, Angie, having just run headlong into the insurance company's brick wall, it doesn't sound much dif...
  13. Halinja

    Just in need of some support

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. ((((hugs)))) It is a great profession, but not all positions are great positions. I hope you get a job better suited to your life. Keep looking until you do. Life is too short to be miserable. I only l...
  14. I don't think they'll be upset if you notify them before orientation. It might upset them if you don't show for orientation, or go through orientation and then quit to take the other.
  15. Halinja

    need ideas for report process

    It kind of depends on what kind of unit you're working. Can you tell us? We had a half page sheet of paper on the front of every chart in labor and delivery with spaces for the information that was the most usually necessary. Where I work now ther...
  16. Halinja

    I need To VENT!!!

    Dumb question perhaps, but how can she 'refuse to release you'? Will the OR not take you if you give your current unit 2 weeks notice that you're moving to a different department? Did you sign some kind of contract that requires you to stay unless ...
  17. Halinja

    Traveling Nurse Salary

    Not to hijack the thread or anything, but how cool!
  18. Halinja

    Care Plans-Are you doing them?

    We don't do them
  19. Halinja

    My 9 year old patient was raped and required surgery

    Would she let you hold her? Do you have the time? Poor baby, because 9 is still a baby. Its possible that she isn't allowed visitors because of the identity of the perpetrator, and pressures that might be brought to bear on her. My heart goes out ...
  20. I've heard it several times, and usually tell them its from the irritation of having something in the urethra, as mentioned above. But I had one woman who was able to clamp down incredibly firmly on the cath. I was getting nothing from the catheter u...
  21. Halinja

    Adult Infant Stethascope combo?

    Littmann Cardiology III has the two heads, big and little. While I'm not sure that the small head was intended for infants, it works very well. I worked in OB and the small head was nice for those tiny chests.
  22. Halinja

    This made me chuckle

    OMG, love it!!!
  23. Halinja

    The gift that keeps on hurting

    What a wonderful idea! I agree with other posters...EAP is the way to go. I've used it myself in similar circumstances and it really helped. (((Mazy))) Blessings
  24. Halinja

    Your a nurse--You should know better!!

    I was horrified to find out that a friend of mine's definition of a good mother was one who never let her children be hurt...ever. No skinned knees, no falling down. Of course she didn't let them climb trees, or skate, or.... A neighbor used to put...
  25. Halinja

    Belly fat

    A little light reading on visceral fat. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18516554?ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18367024?ordina...