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All Content by Dazedgiggle

  1. Great Opportunity vs. Humanly Impossible?

    Hi! I worked nights only for 7 years, which I hated but at least I was on a routine schedule. I just stayed up on my two nights off....which worked for me. Then I took a job with swing shifts, which I did for about a year. The 12 hour days were g...
  2. Hellooooo my friends

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Welcome to the nursing world, and NEVER FORGET HOW TO LAUGH!! This small piece of advice saved me!! Best wishes!! :rotfl:
  3. chest tube removal

    I work on the CV-surgical step down unit....nurses who have been checked off on the competancy and supervised pulling three sets of tubes (this must include pulling Argyles or Atriums, converting a blake to JP and pulling the JP when appropriate) do ...
  4. Holding Cardiac meds

    I think you were completely right to hold the med and you did everything you should have. I don't work in LTC, I work in CV-surgical, but after so many calls after the surgeons go home about holding a med for low B/P or low HR, we start getting para...
  5. Question-how far do you travel for work daily?

    Hi....I travel 30 miles to work each way, and about 29 miles of it are highway miles. It's really not too bad, I drive pretty fast, and make it in about 25 minutes. Also, I only work 3 days a week thanks to my 12 hour shifts, and I'm also driving a...
  6. Dad needs 5 vessel CABG

    Hi Kona....I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, but I do agree with MollyMo on pretty much everything. You really should get pre-op teaching so you know what to expect. I work on a CV surgical unit, and we have MANY diabetic patients who go through by...
  7. Straight pay for 12 hour shifts?

    Where I work, people who work 12 hour shifts get straight pay and time and a half for anything over 12 hours in a 24 hour period OR over 40 hours a week. People who work 8 hour shifts as part of their regular schedule get time and a half for anythin...
  8. Broken Bones and Pain Management

    I'm definitely with the whole oxyconting q 12 and oxycodone 5-10 for breakthrough pain. I'm also a fan of NSAIDS, but for ortho I really do think you need the narcs. Toradol is great, but you can only use it for a limited time (someone mentioned it...
  9. Broken Bones and Pain Management

    I'm definitely with the whole oxyconting q 12 and oxycodone 5-10 for breakthrough pain. I'm also a fan of NSAIDS, but for ortho I really do think you need the narcs. Toradol is great, but you can only use it for a limited time (someone mentioned it...
  10. What is in your pockets at shifts end?

    I have nothing! I used to, I finally brought a pencil box to work with everything I need, pencils, pens, sharpie, Kelly clamps, scissors, tape measure, mints, change, eraser, post its, etc! I used to walk out of work 5 pounds heavier than when I wa...
  11. What Freaks You Out?

    For me it's definitely mouth care! When I was a CNA worked in a nursing home where the CNA's did the post mortem care. One lady was quite dehydrated near the end, so her mucus secretions were pretty dry. When I swabbed her mouth the mucus stuck t...
  12. body removal...

    Hi. I work in an acute care setting and we use a gurney that hides the body. But I've also worked in a LTC facility where they used a stretcher and a sheet over the body, but all the residents were brought to their rooms and the doors closed, as lo...
  13. A Day In The Life Of A Nurse!!!

    Thanks Micro, great poem! I'm sending it to every nurse I know! ~Christine :)
  14. Stethoscopes

    I'm with everyone else, Littman is the way to go! I used to have a Littman lightweight and I loved it, unfortunately it was stolen. My family gave me money to get a new one for Christmas (I was in school at the time and couldn't afford another Litt...
  15. Abreviation Help

    I think I may know a few of them, CXR where I am is Chest x-ray, PALS is pediatric advanced life support, CABG is coronary artery bypass graft, and TIA is transient ischemic attack. I've never seen the others, but maybe other nurses in other areas w...
  16. what kind of work do you do?

    Hi! While I was at school I worked as a CNA, which really helped me experience-wise and I learned how to work with the patients, too. I think phlebotomy would also be a great job while going to school, also unit secretary. I work on a cardiac unit...
  17. Verbal Orders, Do you take them?

    I take verbal orders often on my unit (cardiovascular surgical), I can't imagine getting along without them! I'd never imagined there would be a problem with a doc owning his/her verbal order, and it's sad to know this problem exists. I also work i...