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All Content by dano

  1. Pa?

    Funny you should ask. I have a mentor who is a doctor and I was actually e-mailing him back and forth about becoming a PA. I think it's what I plan on doing for a post-grad degree. Here's what he sent me, and what you may find helpful whether it be u...
  2. I'm with you too, but I've always been serious about college. In high school I wasn't wasting my own money by screwing off, I would be in college. I'll spend 3 hours in a lecture in the nursing building and then go to the student center to eat lunch ...
  3. Hrm. Interesting. The way she taught this part of analgesics in class she made salicylates sound like they're not NSAIDs. I know Aleve is naproxen, I have an anaphylactic reaction to it myself so I'm well aware of its generic name. If anyone recogniz...
  4. My bad, thanks for pointing it out. It was Advil, but it listed the generic as ibuprofen on the exam and I've got a habit of using Motrin as the example. I fixed it above.
  5. I've got a doctor friend who said to trade someone with a colored one earpieces and diaphragm rings. I guess the colored ones are different colors than the black one, so this way if someone has swiped it, it makes it easy to spot out since they don't...
  6. Well I ordered the Cardiology III after all the good things you guys had to say about it. $135 shipped from Redding. I tried it out on my family lol. I've never auscultated a baby before and I tried it out on my 4 month old nephew. It's cool to hear ...
  7. Key point there! Deal with all the bologna, suck it up, and start preparing to move. Don't go making a long-term move to fix a short-term problem. Finish your degree and then you can move wherever you feel like going knowing you'll have an easy time ...
  8. It appears the only major difference is the diaphragm between the Cardiology III and Classic II S.E. I'm sure there's more, but that's the only biggie I can spot. Littmann's site says the C III is better for cardiologists and specialists, and the C I...
  9. A Nurse with Vasovagal Syncope Syndrome?

    I've got it as well, except mine's much worse. I had a positive tilt-table test back in summer and have fainted numerous times over the last three years. Mine is related to elevated BP and HR. I'm on proamatine for it, I couldn't deal with the orthos...
  10. My fundamentals class requires us to do a presentation on some aspect of nursing and health care with such topics as geriatric nursing, the nurse practitioner program, how high health care costs affects low income patients, etc. I just want our prese...
  11. I'm starting my first semester of nursing school in a few weeks and I just found out (and confirmed my fears) that I have mono. I'm resting and drinking plenty of fluids and eating ibuprofen like candy, but there's not much I can do otherwise. I want...
  12. I've felt very run down and sick for the last week or so and I suspected mono. My doc ordered some bloodwork since they were out of MonoSpot tests in the office. It came back positive for mono. On top of feeling like complete garbage I'm now worried ...
  13. New ER volunteer questions

    I volunteered in an ER for a year while in high school. I would say the volunteers are most helpful in doing tasks you'd rather not do because you could focus on something more productive with your knowledge. I did stuff such as taking BP with the cu...
  14. Congrats to all you guys and gals getting through doing it! I have worked 30-40 hours/week each semester for the last 3 years. I, like everyone else, am on a budget and can't sacrifice hours at work for school. Lucky for me I'm only in school 3 days/...
  15. Use of Prisoners in Drug Trials

    I also believe that those who commited violent, unexcusable crimes AND are guilty beyond doubt should be subjected to pharmaceutical testing no matter how dangerous. They violated someone else's rights as a human being, therefore they deserve to have...
  16. name: dan school: wayne state university, michigan program: bsn (3 years undergrad, 3 years program) what area of interest at this time: i've got my heart set on emergency medicine biggest fear: not being able to balance time between school and w...
  17. Bring up the point about lack of sleep when you speak with the DON. Ask her if she really wants nurses running around not at their best of abilities due to not catching enough z's. Firstly, it's a care issue, because you need to be on your A-game whe...
  18. Annoyed about a bonus ...help *long*

    I was thinking the same thing as I read the original post as well. At my work the boss rarely ever posts our schedule early. We usually have it up the Wednesday before the next work week. One time they changed around my hours to benefit them when I h...
  19. My mom always comes up with something like "You're going into the medical profession and you don't know why my foot hurts?" Granted I've had A&P, but just passing the course doesn't make me the new family practice doctor on the block!
  20. I'll be starting my clinicals this semester and I'm a little bit nervous, which isn't a bad thing necessarily. I am hardly full of myself and I know I'll be learning a great deal fairly quickly. My one fear is being such a wreck that I begin to hinde...
  21. I knew I should have said "besides smoking." :chuckle
  22. Some musings about reading posts here...

    Very well said. I don't care how someone writes their papers. It's a peeve of mine to read horribly written papers, but I won't lose sleep over it. I hope I've recovered myself from the grammar Nazi thing a few pages back. I believe that those who ca...
  23. You have to view it from a management perspective. She is leaving. She is not leaving them anything besides a new slot to fill. If anything, they're going to be ticked off because they now have to bring in a fresh body and hope they're half the woman...
  24. What did you sacrifice to get where you are?

    They own Mazda too. I considered getting a '06 Mazdaspeed 6. It's hard not to have fun in a 274-hp 6-speed shifted 4-door with a turbo motor. Getting something used was just a smarter choice financially. Maybe one day!
  25. Some musings about reading posts here...

    Good grief, people! If there's anyone with a sense of humor (humour?) it's me. The your/you're is just a big pet peeve of mine. It's all good. I think we're all having too much fun picking on grammar in this thread. As mentioned time and time again,...