
MiaLyse APRN


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All Content by MiaLyse

  1. What do you enjoy about addictions nursing?

    I enjoy interacting with my patients, offering emotional support, education and hope.
  2. Why do we hate admissions?

    I actually don't mind the work involved doing an admission. I like it and get to learn much about the admission. However, lack of time makes everything feel more rushed than it should be.
  3. Changing Specialties: Getting Out Of Psych

    I wish you luck. :)
  4. Changing Specialties: Getting Out Of Psych

    Could you work part time in Psych and possibly cross train to work as needed on med/surg? Then get experience and possibly apply for future med/surg committed positions?
  5. Things I wish I could tell my patients

    I agree with the majority here. Talking more openly about it will help. It is still something that is very much hidden, unfortunately.
  6. Psychiatric Nursing Certification

    Has anyone used this site to study for the exam? Test Prep | Your Source for Free Online Practice Tests I hope it is okay to post the link?
  7. If you could go back and choose....

    Possibly Physical Therapist
  8. Love working in an area that needs nurses

    Congrats :)
  9. I. Just. Can't....

    Oh, that poor patient.
  10. SO very true. I work on a detox floor and any and all words of hope are seeds. You never know who you will help by offering support and encouragement. Try to never become discouraged.
  11. UAMS RN to BSN/MSN Program

    Can this be completed on a part time basis?
  12. Has anyone else taken this course? If so, what are your thoughts?
  13. CARN

    I am interested in this also. :)
  14. I would love to go back to school. However, it is expensive. So, I would want to be pretty confident that I would use the degree. Teaching nursing school does not appeal to me. I was thinking administration would be the way to go instead? What types...
  15. BSN -MSN Administration or Education?

    Thanks so much. I love holistic education, psychiatry is an interes as is patient advocate sounds nice too.
  16. Yes, it was an accelerated bsn part time program. I had to be in class on Mondays. There was alot of reading, papers to write and presentations to give. However, it is doable. This was an RN-BSN program. hth's It could be stressful but I was able to...
  17. With good time management it is possible. I am completing the RN-BSN program next month and I worked full time and picked up hours a the hospital. Didn't have any free time but it was doable. Best of luck to you :)
  18. Graduation is just around the corner!!

    I also graduate this May from the RN-BSN program. Last class in in April. So excited to be finished :) Now, what do I want to do next? :)
  19. Online MSN program? BSN to MSN

    I am looking at Norwich University's online MSN program. I believe there is a week you have to attend on campus however. I'll have to check out Sacred Heart.
  20. Visitation during detox?

    On our mental health units, we have patients change into a gown and search their clothing. We check hair, backs of glasses and inside shoes. I think visitors are the worst offenders for bringing in things that are not allowed.
  21. Visitation during detox?

    We do not have visitation at all. I agree, it is a time to focus on getting sober. It also is not a comfortable time, it is a vulnerable time and no visitations also is best for the safety of our patients.
  22. Best Travel Companies

    Are there any travel companies who have a need for nurses who specialize in psychiatry and substance abuse treatment?
  23. I quit! :(

    I have been having days like that. We are just plain TIRED. I am in school for my RN-BSN and I work 2 jobs (one full time days and one part time 16hrs plus still have two children at home. One child with disabilities who is tutored at home and anothe...
  24. Calling graduating class of 2014!

    I am in a RN to BSN program and started this past July. Our first semester is OVER, YEAH! Next semester begins Sept 10th. I will graduate in the spring of 2014. :) Glad to be back in school. :)
  25. Can anyone recommend a good, user friendly, formatting software?