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All Content by RNin'08

  1. 2 Year Track Nursing

    From what I've noticed, most of the schools that have 6+ semesters include some classes as co-reqs rather than pre-reqs and you may qualify to bypass that "first" year if you've already finished those courses. You will need to contact the schools you...
  2. 24 days until...

    I totally understand how you feel! This summer is the first time in almost three years that I haven't been in school full time and I have no idea what to do with myself! Aparently, I have no idea how to manage my time if I'm not running in 4 differen...
  3. No wait extrance into Nursing School

    Unfortunately waitlists are found nearly every where. From what I've seen a lot of the BSN programs aren't keeping waiting lists, they accept applicants once or twice a year and you're either in or you're not. That's how my school is, when I applied ...
  4. Travel Nursing, suggestions?

    I don't know about all states but where I am the NCLEX is offered year round. When you graduate and all paper work has been submitted you're test is scheduled, usually within about 6 weeks (depends how busy the testing centers are, some times it's a ...
  5. Travel Nursing, suggestions?

    I'm still a student myself so I haven't worked with travel nursing companies but a few nurses I know have/do and from what I've been told, most companies require 1 to 2 years hospital experience before they'll let you sign on. HTH RNin'08 ~my reality...
  6. hey you what would u do

    I also think that the "mandatory" time spent in general practice or med/surg is out dated. I agree with the other posters, do what feels right for you :) I feel like I know where I would like to end up but before I make that decision I want to spend...
  7. My Fall Schedule

    Last semester I took Patho, Pharm, Organic Chem and Clinical Nutrition for a grand total of 17 credit hours. It was a rough semester but I made it, the best way to get everything done is keeping an eye on your time management. I had joined a couple o...
  8. Telling the public "what nurses do"

    NRSKarenRN thanks for sharing that website! I'm going to have to pick up the book :) It sounds like a great tool for helping us learn how to communicate what we do with the public. RNin'08 ~my reality check bounced~
  9. Nurses and money.......

    The book "Nickel and Dimed (On Not Getting By In America)" by Barbara Ehrnereich is a great book that covers some very interesting points on the topic of the working poor. Very interesting and a quick read Many of the points brought up in this threa...
  10. To suspend or not

    IMO what you're talking about is exactly the behaviour that leads to the saying "nurses eat their young". This is the one thing I have heard repeatedly throughout school and from graduates that warn how difficult your first year can be as an RN (obvi...
  11. Got a call today

    :roll :roll :roll I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! :smiley_aa Congratulations!!! Best of luck to you! RNin'08 ~my reality check bounced~
  12. Where to sell nursing supplies?

    You could also try craigslist.org for your area rather than ebay if you don't have any luck here. On Craigs list you post what you have at a specific price and people will contact you if they are interested, it's all local so there's usually no shipp...
  13. Study Habits?

    I try to skim through the chapters we're going to cover before going to class. I start by reading all the bold headings, go back and read the first and last sentence of each paragraph under the bold headings and then go back and read a little more of...
  14. Need info on Colorado Student Nurses Assn.

    Thanks for the great info! I really appreciate the websites. I was actually a student at UNC not too long ago and attended some of their SNA meetings but they are a long way from home for me and since I was accepted to a closer university have stoped...
  15. Hi everyone I don't know if I have formally introduced myself or not...I'm a soon to be nursing student in a BSN program in Colorado (YAY!) Classes start January 22 with an anticipated graduation in December 2008 :balloons: I can hardly wait! I'm w...
  16. A productive summer?

    :yeahthat: I used Dimensional Analysis For Meds in my pharmacology class last semester and it was *great*! Everything is explained step by step (to the point that some times you think to yourself "...well duh...") and if you follow the instructions p...
  17. :yeahthat: I've recently finished an Associates degree in general health science and will be beginning my BSN in January and am already nearly $10,000 in debt and I fully expect to be at least $40,000 in debt by the time I graduate in 2008 (and this...
  18. What do you think of this cover letter?

    Great suggestions! A personal pet peve of mine is confidence (which you sound like you've got going for you! :) ) The first line of the second paragraph, I suggest changing "would" to "can" and then in the next sentance change "can" to "will". Aslo, ...
  19. Medical background

    I don't think that's something you'll need to worry about. I don't believe that there is any sort of medical background required (other than passing a physical for some schools/employers). As long as you're on legal medications and can prove you have...
  20. Background check/drug screen before clinicals

    We're required to have a background check done, I had to send in $50 for it along with my deposit to hold my spot in the program. I haven't heard anything about drug testing but it wouldn't suprise me one bit if it ends up being required (like a lot ...
  21. Any new Grads or students in Colorado?

    I'm a BSN student in CO. There are three brand new facilities in the state and two more currently under construction. There are also wonderful facilities that have been around for quite some time...National Jewish, Craig Hospital, St. Joseph and Univ...
  22. nursing school and being a stay at home mom

    I'm in the same situation. I will be starting my nursing courses in January and my daughter will be going to preschool/daycare for the first time. I'm hoping to find an actual preschool for her, rather than regular daycare (she'll be 4 when I start) ...
  23. Smoking on Hospital Property

    Most facilities in my state have gone non-smoking on campus and I can't think of a single one that's been built in the last 5 years that allows smoking any where on the property...however they all provide ash trays and I agree with many of the previo...
  24. My new job...

    Wow. That's a lot more than any CNA around here would be allowed to do. I'd be scared to death to attempt a job like that. With the 8 weeks of accelerated training I had to become a CNA I can truly say that is one assignment I'd be running from as fa...