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All Content by RNin'08

  1. A & P II in the Summer 07

    I agree with what everyone is saying, as long as you stay on top of the studying it's not so bad. I took A&P I during the summer and A&P II during a regular semester, I really enjoyed the summer schedule better. I think with the added pressur...
  2. Do you have a GED?????

    I also got a GED. High school was too much of a popularity contest for me. I decided to leave, take the GED exam and move on with my life...Of course at the time, moving on just meant getting a crappy job that paid enough that I didn't have to live w...
  3. Ethical Death or Not?

    You did what you could for this patient and offered reassurance and compassion. Nothing wrong with that. RNin'08 ~my reality check bounced~
  4. The Today Show

    This is actually the policy for the facility where I work. All nurses wear purple scrubs, CNAs/techs all wear yellow, unit assitants wear pale green, etc. It is helpful for staff but doesn't seem to help patients, except that we can ask "do you recal...
  5. The Today Show

    I suggest that each of us write them a letter to inform them how ignorant and misinformed this makes them sound (and remind them that patients can always read our NAME TAG to see who we are and what position we hold). Things like this really bother m...
  6. I blew it!Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    If you've made it this far I doubt that your problem is that you're "not smart enough". Math is a common problem area, does your school offer tutoring? Is there a review course you can take while you wait to retest in January? Take a deep breath, rev...
  7. Hey, CNAs.......got a question for all of you!

    Wow, I'm surprised at the number of people that don't use/weren't taught to do manual VS. BP is almost as guaranteed on the state exam as handwashing around here. I have yet to have a job where there was no need for a CNA to have a steth, I've used m...
  8. A patient died.

    :icon_hug: I feel for you. I had a patient pass away during my first clinical experience. It was an experience I won't forget, as I'm sure this experience will be with you for a long time. We're all here for support! RNin'08 ~my reality check bounced...
  9. nursing degree final 2 years

    All of the 4 year universities in Colorado and Wyoming are set up so that nursing core and clinicals can only be taken in the last two years. Many students in the areas opt to do their first two years at community colleges and then transfer to the BS...
  10. Woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :w00t: :flowersfo :smiley_aa :w00t: CONGRATULATIONS! RNin'08 ~my reality check bounced~
  11. I remembered getting this article from my sister-in-law after getting a rejection letter from one of the universities I applied to, I thought many of you would find this interesting (it's right along the lines of what Timothy was talking about). http...
  12. Have you applied to, or considered applying to, more than one school? I was waitlisted by one university, rejected by one university and accepted by a third...all in the last 12 months. Just over 2 years ago I was waitlisted by two community colleges...
  13. Feedback for those who struggle with the Science?!!

    Science can be a tough arena. Study, study, study. You don't have to love every bit of it to be able to get a good understanding of it. The areas you enjoy more will come a little easier and the stuff you don't get into will require a little more tim...
  14. Plan B

  15. Plan B

    You're right, many people feel the same way you do about this topic, however; that same point of view hasn't stopped IUDs from being dispensed regularly for BC. There is more than one type of BC that works via preventing the fertilized egg from impla...
  16. Plan B

    Great thread! :) I love to get everyone's perspective on these topics. I saw a local news report recently on this topic that made me pretty angry. It was very one sided (against Plan B) and the woman being interviewed kept reffering to it as a means...
  17. Are you going it alone?

    Nursing courses only. Our program doesn't allow gen. ed. to be taken during the core curriculum, no co-reqs, all are pre-reqs. I used to wish that I could do some of it while in the nursing program (just to get started sooner) but now I'm *so* happy ...
  18. Your State,your Isp,your Faciltiy!

    I'm not sure I understand what the OP is looking for here..? We're using the internet, it's not like allnurses.com is a private entity of any sort. Everything here is available to the public. My employer and my state (or yours for that matter) can ch...
  19. Personally, I love online classes. 3/4 of my first degree was done online and about half of my nursing classes are online. As long as you're able to keep yourself focused and can stay on top of the reading you'll be fine. It can be harder to figure o...
  20. Sometimes I hate being the nurse in the family

    :lol2: I'm right there with you! I knew where that story was going before I finished reading it and was laughing pretty hard as I read on! My husband has a tendency to yell for help when the little one is sick, especially when she's vomiting but he...
  21. how do you wash your scrubs?

    hmmmm...hadn't really thought much about it. My biggest concern is that all my scrubs are black and I don't want them to end up *really* faded after a few washes...they go in cold water with woolite for darks and then the gentle cycle in the dryer. ...
  22. Calculator not permitted?!

    No calculators allowed in my pharm class. I'm not the best when it comes to math (as seems to be a very common attribute) but you're not expected to do it all in your head. You have paper and pencil and the instructors are there to teach you how to u...
  23. If you could go back would you still choose nursing?

    I'm not done with school yet but from my past experiences and everything I've done up to this point, I can't imagine anything else that would fulfill me as much as nursing. I love my patients and my work (yes, especially being a CNA). The biggest com...
  24. Myers-Briggs Type

    I'm an ENFP. It fits...almost too well! *lol* It will be interesting to read some more about how the different personality types fit together I'm getting ready to have dh take the test on the link that was posted, we're such opposites that I know ...
  25. Something all OB nurses should know.

    this is a touchy subject for me as well, and something i struggle with in trying to decide if i'll really end up in ob (where i've wanted to work for as long as i can remember). my first loss was at 16 weeks, found out at a routine exam in the dr. of...