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All Content by Sassy5d

  1. That certain odor on some patients and their visitors

    I don't know what meth smells like but I know pot. It could be meth and cigarettes. Or pot and cigarettes. But I know what you're talking about.
  2. My fav was today. Could not get a bg to budge. Insulin, fluids. Throwing all the polys then, of course, the pt just HAD to have an antibiotic of 750ml mixed with d5... Uhh
  3. Satisfaction scores

    For the past year, there are ER specific surveys. These ask things such as, respect my privacy, nurse cares about discomfort felt during blood draw, ect. I assume these are sent out just to people who were seen in ER and not admitted. The big ones ...
  4. Satisfaction scores

    Thank you for your feedback. It's almost unheard of for a pt to be in my care for 8+ hours unless they are requiring a transfer, typically to a mental health facility. I'm sorry for your frustrating experience.
  5. I work in the ER. 99% of the pain reports are 10/10. Regardless of the pain source. It's easy to want to roll your eyes at the finger pain with no swelling, redness, discoloration, especially when they report this is going on 6 months and 1am on a W...

    When we have available beds, we take pt to room and begin process. Or we immediately drag their name to a room as soon as we arrive them if we triage them in a different room. Not much else you can do if your beds are full.
  7. We all start somewhere. There will always be at least 1 nurse in every specialty who makes you feel like you are a moron, no matter how many years experience. Review your normals. Watch some YouTube videos. Stroke/tpa. MI's, chest tubes, iv insertio...
  8. Isn't there higher reimbursement if a hospital is magnet?
  9. Walk me through your ER

    I'm just looking for a quick, condensed version of what your ER is like. I've only worked at 1, a place I hear used to be 200x's better before the inner city hospital closed, and now all the inner city folk come to visit me. I was discussing with a...
  10. Patient Families

    I had a dad, tall, nervous, standing behind me and hovering. I asked him to sit down, that I don't like people standing behind me. I didn't mean it to be rude but I guess it sounded that way. I better explained that in this environment, I need to kn...
  11. Nurse!!! Nuuuurrrrsssse!!!!

    I had a shift yesterday where every single pt I had did nothing but yell nurse constantly. It's more exhausting than working up a critical.
  12. new RN, first job, having tough time, need advice

    Maybe you need to find a different ER to work at?
  13. Please help, career advice for the tired ED nurse

    Exactly! Drone, with pillows, blankets, sandwiches and iv kits ha ha.
  14. Allergy/Anaphylaxis treatment and Shivering

    I've had this experience and I remember feeling cold with the shaking. I wish I had a blanket ha!
  15. Please help, career advice for the tired ED nurse

    I bet it's an entirely different ball game, eh? I've never worked in the bus so I don't know what it's like, but there's probably so much more you can do prehospital than you can in the hospital? I'm in year 12 of nursing. I've tried a variety of d...
  16. Gero psychs

    Increase in number of nursing home admissions for gero psych requests. I kinda laugh sometimes because I wonder what exactly the pt is doing in the nh to warrant a geropsych admit. Had an issue yesterday, the nh was mad when I was calling back to giv...
  17. Gero psychs

    We always had to do our own medical clears for gero psych. And it would take weeks of lots of documentation to warrant.. Like we tried different techniques to redirect behavior. Ect. We have at least 2 geropsych pts a shift. I haven't seen even 1 pt...
  18. Patient Families

  19. Patient Families

    This thread made me chuckle. Completely universal! We did have a non-written policy to make family wait in lobby for a few minutes while we got them settled. Of course, this causes some grief, as you've mentioned, the entire extended family must ru...
  20. Post accident drug testing

    Completely frustrated yesterday at my duty to do a proper post accident drug test and my duty to make my pt comfortable. It was not from lack of trying, pushed tons of PO fluids/iv. Person could not urinate. Even st cathed and still could not get en...
  21. Frequent Fliers...seeking ENEMAS!

    YES! They don't need gi doctors. Just someone to shove something up their bum 3-4 times a month, as so as they walk in the doors cuz older folk have no time to delay.... I love old peeps!
  22. Suicide Risk Assessment

    I can't tell ya how many pts, there for whatever reason, start saying yes when u ask about si/hi/voices.
  23. First day as a Nurse.

    How about the awkwardness of genital procedures? Lol
  24. Clinical mgr bs. Ed staff RN

    Weigh your options. If you take cli mani spot, it might not be that bad. You can always fall back into a staff position. If you take ed position, you may find it hard to slip back into manager spot. If it were me, I would probably do that, but that...
  25. Major med errors...whose fault is it really?

    Usually there is an investigation as to the med error. With that, they can usually figure out what exactly caused the error. So I guess the question would be, why did the errors occur? Wrong pt? The doc order wrong med? Given with an allergy? Nurse ...