Lone Stranger

Lone Stranger

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All Content by Lone Stranger

  1. Sticking 'Em the First Time

    how do you get over the fear of hurting your patient? i hurdled blood typing last summer but this year will bring things like ngt, catheterization, traches, etc. frankly, i'm scared to death of hurting my patient. how did you fellas get over it? what...
  2. Sticking 'Em the First Time

    this i will most definitely attempt. and no, no mammoth ants either. ls
  3. Sticking 'Em the First Time

    thanks for your responses, folks! i'll be referring to them often. just this morning i went on the receiving end of a needle to get my blood lipid profile (nd blood sugar) and marveled at the verve of the med tech who did it. me, i just steeled mysel...
  4. Docs as nurses?

    On the question of second coursers taking up nursing I must add that one overlooked aspect is the re-training that is requisite to it. Me, I'm back to school and while it's hell on the time requirement and the lifestyle change, the necessary and atte...
  5. Docs as nurses?

    I really appreciate the input you make here on the net, Lawrence and I've started telling my nurse students (they already are nurses but reviewing for one of the many qualification tests needed) to check out info here. Valuable info indeed.
  6. Fahmi, I have heard from my friends that the range of nursing responsibilities and tasks in the UK are different from in the U.S. Different meaning very limited. One of my students said it bored him to tears in the U.K. What is your experience l...
  7. Engineer who wants to take up Nursing Degree

    Your point is taken but you have to read the whole message to understand the context. Uberdoog wasn't criticizing but setting a tone of disbelief and caution. As you will note in the last paragraph, he stated the facts relevant to making that decisio...