Lone Stranger

Lone Stranger

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All Content by Lone Stranger

  1. Training as Experience

    You mean like do what we say (don't go abroad) and not as we did (go abroad) "trust us?" Yeah. Right.
  2. IELTS - BC or IDP?

    Really? On what grounds should the instructor be a foreigner? Neither the professional organizations of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL) nor the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (...
  3. Observations on Filipinos abroad!

    LOL! I'd pretend just for the pleasure of hearing someone dish that out well! The skill and eloquence needed for that is a downright rarity even in the motherland!
  4. Observations on Filipinos abroad!

    No, you didn't at all , I know what you mean, and I agree with you entirely .
  5. Observations on Filipinos abroad!

    It may not be intentional. One of the coping mechanisms of cultural transition is adopting the speech of the native culture. Sudden exposure to the home culture/language can be tricky since it requires an adjustment of mindset. When a person like tha...
  6. ielts review center

    Drop by the IDP Education Australia on the 2nd Floor of the Pioneer House at the corner of Paseo de Roxas and Greenbelt One (right across the street from Starbucks and KFC and just above 40 Winks furniture store). Go up to the counter and ask for the...
  7. Regarding English Exams

    The British accent thingie you're referring to is called the RP (Received Pronunciation) and about the only place it exists and is insisted on in the Philippines is the stage (try Repertory Philippines). The IELTS does not test for accent. It does t...
  8. Yeah sure, why not? I will withold the name of the hospital, of course, given the politics of this biz. But lately I been doing duty in the DR and been racking up a noble amount of assists, catches, and records. And this I will tell you: it's rough. ...
  9. to declare or not to declare my "license"

    Date of exam? Location? Manner of fraud? Confirmation/Investigator?
  10. to declare or not to declare my "license"

    I have heard no such rumor anywhere and would like to verify your source. Suzanne, if you don't mind.
  11. You're there and settled in. But since hindsight's 20-20, what things would you have done or paid more attention to in the Philippines to prepare you better for the U.S. experience?
  12. Observations on Filipinos abroad!

    please take it with a generous dose of salt, rep. you can imagine the tremendous pressure and anxiety filipinos suffer when they face the prospect of taking an efl proficiency test. it's a hoop we have to jump through and the general impression we im...
  13. i have been to c&e bookstore in recto, manila today (june 24, 2006)and they were selling stacks and stacks of nursing books. vans waited outside to cart more books in. no doubt about it, here in the philippines everyone and their uncle wants to b...
  14. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    You sound exhilirated. Could you tell me what opportunities you'd identified and how you'd been pushed to your true potential?
  15. pat, have you ever spent time in the philippines? one of things you may have difficulty adjusting to will be the urban environmental conditions. pollution levels are high, smog thick, very high population density and so on and so forth. this is espec...
  16. Advice on Phillipine Nursing Schools

    "impacted?" say what? oh, and it's spelled philippine (one l, 3 ps).
  17. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    she could actually be telling the truth. the one close to national book store closed down and didn't bother to stick their new address to the window. i was referring to the new (it looked new...) one farther down the road close to ue(?)
  18. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

  19. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    ouch! i was not above wandering out of walgreens at 1 a.m. in a wet and blustery night on the streets of san fran happily digging into a pint of butter pecan... even the sales lady had to smile when i turned down her offer to bag it and asked instea...
  20. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    thank you, fellas! your feedback is helping me (and i'm certain to cascade the info to my second courser classmates) answer the tough questions of life. i know it's a calculated move and that there are no easy answers. the important thing tho was fin...
  21. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    I would think the car is important. I was there Christmas and the distances between everywhere was vast by Philippine standards. Standing at a bus stop on a cold day with only the leafless tree branches, the granite sky, and the crows to keep you com...
  22. Is the Grass Really Greener Stateside? Honestly.

    if i always saw it half full, would i qualify as an optimist? kidding aside, thank you for input. it's a bit sketchy tho...
  23. Joke time (ease the pain of waiting)

    sounded comically ironic, didn't it? but many second coursers from managerial/supervisorial positions seem to take the switch to nursing quite well. i often take the chance of asking them about it. the doctors-turned-nurses usually recount the frustr...
  24. IELTS - BC or IDP?

    don't mind if i answer that for him: i think it translates to "without borders" so it's anywhere.
  25. Engineer who wants to take up Nursing Degree

    that's the problem, doc. you've got to learn to read and not resort to kneejerk reactions that are based on your gut and not on the text. all irrelevant, doc. the topic is not patriotism but where people are headed: into the philippines or out ...