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All Content by midcom

  1. How to get hired without experience

    Thank you, that was such a nice thing to say, that I'm a cup half full type of person. The reason I decided to not tell is because I felt that they would automatically think I'd be a liability, that I'd not be able to work as well or as hard as some...
  2. How to get hired without experience

    I only wish that were true but, nope no job yet. I have had some very good interviews; one went to a second interview & she led me to believe the job would be offered to me, however, that wasn't the case. Last week I had another good interview a...
  3. CNA as a prereq for LVN programs.

    Thank you for noticing, and no, I'm not offended that you feel this may be a reason. You are only 26. I asked the same of HR and managers that I was interviewed by & was told that actually they felt the opposite, "mature" employees tend to be m...
  4. CNA as a prereq for LVN programs.

    "THis helped me greatly when I started clinical and after graduation as a new nurse. It's worth it!" Not only will it help during your training but also afterward, when searching for a job, it is considered as experience in health care. Believe me, t...
  5. Passed out my first day of clinical!!!

    On one of my last clinical days in 2nd term one of my classmates kept getting whoosy & our teacher had her sit in the hall. She then questioned her about when she last ate & learned it had been the day before- it was an afternoon shift! This ...
  6. In my program, our final clinical grade was part of the Acute Med/surg grade. However, if you didn't get enough points for your clinicals, your grade in class could not help you at all & visa-versa, even if you had an A. We had one student who mi...
  7. Diploma nursing?

    When I graduated from high school very few nursing schools offered a degree (BSN) Many hospitals used to have their own nursing school where the students did all their classes on that campus. It lasted 3 years instead of the 4 that they now require. ...
  8. Do you need a laptop in N school?

    It's a nice luxury to have but certainly not necessary. We had one gal bring hers to class once to take notes. I think it disturbed the people around her & she never brought it again. Dixie
  9. Attendance question

    My school didn't require you to be there except for tests & skills testouts. Quizzes that were missed could not be made up. We received participation points for attendance & for a few of my classmates, their lack of attendance was what caused...
  10. pinning speech

    Like I said before, your speech is very good & very personal. I liked how you mentioned little inside jokes. I'm sure there is a story behind "pregnant women can run fast when they are late" and I suspect it will be cause for laughter. One thin...
  11. pinning speech

    I had to speak at my pinning in Sept & graduation in Oct. I think you did a very good job with your speech. It is from the heart & that's what counts. I am copying my speech below. I don't think it's a good as yours but it too is heartfelt. "...
  12. so you wanna teach at your nursing school?

    In my state to teach a class in a nursing school, you have to have a BSN at least, no ADNs. However, they can be clinical instructors. I admire any nurse who becomes a teacher. I can't imagine having to deal with all the whining & complaining th...
  13. Where did you go to school and why?

    I went to Hamilton College, now known as Kaplan University, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. I chose Hamilton over the community college in the next town because there was no waiting list & I needed to start school immediately. The cost was high, approximat...
  14. I want to work in a Doctor's office.

    Be prepared, as a new graduate, to be passed over for someone with experience. A lot of experienced nurses are ready to leave hospital or LTC & are willing to work for the lower pay of an office or clinic and that doesn't give us new nurses much ...
  15. Do you have a graduation AND a pinning?

    I posted earlier about my school having both ceremonies but other answers made me remember something from my first college graduation. Way back before dirt (1970) I went to a community college for dental assisting. For graduation, the nurses & de...
  16. Do you have a graduation AND a pinning?

    That's the only reason I went to my graduation. This is my 3rd college graduation and since the only students I knew were in my program, it really felt pretty impersonal. I didn't even invite my family members. However, I was an honors student. I wan...
  17. The ERI--what are people's thoughts on this?

    I had to take them during LPN school. While taking them, I thought they were a waste of time. It frustrated me that there was no way to see what questions you missed except on the practice tests. I had no problem passing them well above the national ...
  18. Do you have a graduation AND a pinning?

    Our school has both & they were scheduled a month apart. Pinning was immediately after finishing the term. The nursing studentsl felt that pinning was much more important than graduation ceremonies & that was a problem for our nursing facult...
  19. I noticed that also. My theory is that we now actually kind of understand even the odd things & remember the names of the diseases. For instance, before nursing school, I never heard of DIC. Last week on House a man was dying due to it. I probabl...
  20. When did you start your first Foley?

    I did my first in 3rd term of 4. I was so thrilled & later found out that I was also very fortunate to do it. It was on a disabled woman who almost constantly had a very hovering mother there who was very picky about who touched her daughter. The...
  21. I had very poor LVN/LPN training. Anyone else?

    Wow, I'm shocked at the quality of training some of you got. I just graduated in September & feel they could have done better. We didn't get much chance to practice skills before going to clinicals & that terrified me. I didn't want to screw ...
  22. Terrie Bariatric RN

    I believe that the school can make changes in policy during enrollment if they provide written documentation & have the students sign it. My school, at the end of my 3rd term informed us that our test scores had to be above a certain percent. It...
  23. How long to hear from IA BON?

    I graduated in late Sept. I understand that my school sent in my completed paperwork right away but I have yet to hear from the BON so I can schedule my NCLEX-PN. For those of you who have graduated recently, how long did it take to get your authori...
  24. Congratulations, Kylee, for following your dream. My situation is very similar. I wanted to be a nurse since I was 4. I was too proud to be a practical nurse when I learned we couldn't afford to send me to "real " nursing school. Fast forward 53 yea...
  25. How long to hear from IA BON?

    :lol2::lol2: I PASSED!!!!!:lol2::lol2: :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: Thank you all for your encouragement. Dixie (LPN!!!!!)