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All Content by LVN'06

  1. is it ok that i printed my ATT?

    I just took my NCLEX on tuesday and used my printed out ATT they did not have any problems taking it.
  2. discouraged

    I understand about trying to see a counselor it is hard even when its not finals week. But like I said before you still have a chance there are two spots open for "random picks" if you get your application in with some good letters of recomendation y...
  3. discouraged

    How many pre req's have you taken? One C (2.0) should not bring down your cumulative GPA that much. Especially if you have taken all pre reqs for RN that should be at least 4 classes and if you have made all A's (4.0) that would make your cumulative ...
  4. I need a pep talk

    Do not let this get you down. Some times Nurses need to blow off steem. No matter what profession you go into there will be times when you are burned out. I am not a working LVN yet, I just graduated and am waiting on my temp. license. I have a three...