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All Content by natrgrrl

  1. Nurses Missions to Africa

    Did you to to Africa yet? How did it turn out?
  2. New grad doesn't like new job!

    So what did you decide to do?
  3. OB clinicals...Am I gonna vomit?????

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I did not vomit! (Praise the Lord!) I told my instructor how nervous I was about this clinical rotation and she said, "Well ya! Your hands are shaking like crazy!" After that, I was fine. She told me I could st...
  4. How long for your school to file NCLEX paperwork?

    I'm in the Omaha area. It took about 2 weeks from the time final grades were posted until I got my ATT. Two months seems like a very long time. At least you know that it will be a while before you can test. Use your time wisely and study.
  5. Pearson Vue registration

    I think the Pearson Vue website says to send application to the state before registering. So...I filled out my app, put a stamp on it, set it down on my bed, and then registered with Pearson Vue. I got my final grades from the school on May 21 and my...
  6. Interviewer asked about my GPA

    If you got a 4.0 then good for you. But if your grades are less than perfect, then proudly tell the interviewer what you earned. If you worked hard for the grades that you earned then don't be ashamed of your GPA or try to justify why it isn't higher...
  7. Best medical pocket dictionary?

    I'm just curious, what do you want the pocket dictionary for? Most likely you won't have room to carry it or time to use it during clinicals or class. If you have the extra money to spend on books, get a good full-size dictionary with illustrations....
  8. I'm not afraid of the MDs but...

    Thanks for the support everyone! It's nice to hear your own stories and advice.
  9. I'm not afraid of the MDs but...

    For my entire life, I have never been able to talk to an authority figure without my face turning bright red. Then I get self-conscious about it and have a difficult time saying what I need to say. I had a phone interview yesterday for a clinic posit...
  10. Hello everyone, I have heard several people talk about getting their LPN while in high school. Is this true? Where are these programs? Is it something that depends on the state? The school? My daughter is talking about taking pre-reqs from community ...
  11. what to study

    One of my nursing instructors said that the students from last year noticed a strong similarity between Kaplan questions and NCLEX questions, but not the Saunder's questions. If I had money, I would buy the QBank from Kaplan. For now, I'm studying th...
  12. Got my ATT

    This is a stupid question but I decided to ask anyway. What does the subject and title of the email say?
  13. New Grads - where is there a nursing glut?

    The Omaha area has so many nursing schools that there is a lot of competition for new grad nurses. I can think of 7 nursing schools off the top of my head in this area. And the Omaha metro doesn't really feel that big. This seems like a lot of nurses...
  14. clinic nurses pay

    $12 for an LPN in a pediatric clinic associated with the hospital.
  15. Tons of Questions for a tough decision

    $100,000 is too much money to borrow. Your loan payments will be something like $2000 a month for 5 years or close to $1000 a month for 10 years. 10 YEARS! Are you prepared to do that? Be creative in ways that you can cut that loan amount in half. Gr...
  16. Patients say the funniest things...

    I cannot stop giggling! Thanks. I need a funny little story that I can remember when I am feeling blue. And this is it!
  17. I'm not afraid of the MDs but...

    Okay, Commuter, you got me thinking a little bit. Thanks.
  18. Where do I go to look for jobs in rural areas or areas outside of the city where I live? My mom gets a newspaper for the small town she lives in and it will occasionally list nursing opportunities. Does anyone know where else I can look?
  19. pn boards

    I believe SATA stands for select all that apply.
  20. I have the summer off except for NCLEX-PN. In September, I start RN program. I'm trying to decide what to do for the summer. I already signed up for several volunteer projects. Do you think I can learn French over the summer? What is everyone else do...
  21. Update to "I thought it would be easier to get a job"

    I'm having a difficult time, too. I can't talk to anyone!!!! Why is that? Thanks for sharing your story. I think I am going to go try that "sitting in the office" approach to see if it gets me anywhere. Good luck and your new job and congratulations.
  22. what can i expect?!

    When you go in the room, be prepared to assess the client from head to toe: pupils, condition of mouth and skin, listen to heart, lung and bowel sounds, capillary refill, condition of feet. And don't forget to talk to the pt. If you have trouble gett...
  23. Waiting for final grades...

    I have one grade posted but waiting for the other one. And for some reason they haven't posted our clinical grades (pass or fail). I just wish they would hurry up and send our info to the state so we can get our ATT.
  24. Should we tell

    I would go to your student rep or to the instructor. Tell her that you saw so and so telling each other answers during the test and you didn't know what to do about it at the time--I wouldn't necessarily say the word "cheating". :twocents:Cheaters ar...
  25. Financial aid is wonderful. All the hoops you have to jump through really stink! Luckily, this year our school let us keep an account at the bookstore and then they automatically deducted it somehow. Every school is probably different so you will hav...