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All Content by RNtugladimurnurse2b

  1. Once, Twice a Loser!

    Well I got bad news two days in a row! One rejection letter yesterday from Sutter Extended Campus and two others today. That truly stinks! This is my second time applying for ARC and SCC programs in Sacramento, CA but when you have 631 qualified appl...
  2. Once, Twice a Loser!

    Thank goodness I have a relaxed attitude about things because applying to nursing school in the Sacramento area can be a stressful and discouraging experience. My hubby and I were going to wait to have our second child until after I finish nursing s...
  3. DQ'ed again (Sacramento area apps.)

    This is all sounding very discouraging. I just got my rejection letter from SCC after applying for the first time. My letter says I'm an alternate but I think everyone who is qualified is an alternate. I have yet to hear from ARC. I wish there we...
  4. how expensive is california? CAN A NURSE MANAGE WITH HER WAGE??

    I have no idea why people choose to get so far off topic but this is what I think: Let's get back to talking about that super-hyphy state with the Terminator as our governor. The best state of all, California of course. All you non-Californians pl...
  5. Applying for Jan 07

    I am applying to 5 schools for Spring 2007 admission. All of them are due by the end of October. I have a lot of organizing to do and I'm working on it as we speak. I figure someone will let me in if I apply to all those schools, right? Let us pr...
  6. You know you work nights when.......

    you get excited about working on daylight savings nights when time goes forward an hour because you get off an hour early but dread working the nights when time goes back because you have to work an extra hour (but you get paid for an extra hour too!...
  7. Anyone Ever take Micro with Physio before?

    It can be done! I actually just finished my finals in my A&PII and Micro classes a couple of days ago. I took them together during the summer in 8 weeks. Yeah I know that sounds crazy but I did well in both. I do have a 10 month old daughter ...
  8. Day Shift vs. Night Shift

    My husband and I were talking about if I should work AM shift (7a-7p) or PM shift (7p-7a) once I finish nursing school. I am a night owl all the way and in previous years I have worked nights as a CNA. Now this was BEFORE I got married and had a ba...
  9. What classes are you taking for fall?

    I will be taking Medical Dosage Calculations, Pharmacology and an Intro to Nursing class. Applying for nursing program for Spring 2007! Good luck to everyone in the same situation.
  10. Done with pre-reqs and applying for spring 07 . worried!!!!

    Im in the same boat as you. I will finish my pre-reqs this Summer and will apply for Spring '07. I hope we get some good news soon! Good luck.
  11. Just how difficult is nursing school going to be?!

    Oh wow! You definitely have the hook-up!
  12. Leaving the Profession!

    I can understand the burnout issue nurses have. I can also understand the want to leave the profession after years of "giving it your all" without getting anything in return. But one subject has failed to be mentioned in this thread: the diversity ...
  13. Breastfeeding at work

    I don't know if this subject has already been discussed before or not. Do hospitals accomodate nursing nurses? Have any of you been able to pump at work without hassle? I ask because I plan on having a couple of more kids once I start working as a...
  14. Breastfeeding at work

    I am soooo glad hospitals are so accomodating!
  15. Breastfeeding at work

    Thanks for all the input! I never thought of pumping down in the nursery of the hospital or somewhere around that area. Makes sense to me. The hospital I work at has to accomodate breastfeeding workers or they can forget having me as an employee! ...
  16. What is the best way to learn Spanish?

    Let me suggest moving to Miami, FL for a year!!!! I moved there (from California) after graduating from college with my now husband and I worked at two medical centers as a CNA and a tech. At a rehab center for children and at a large hospital. I ...
  17. Well I got the letter...

    Congratulations!!! I hope to hear the same news within the coming months...
  18. Post Spring 2006 semester grades here!

    What a bunch of dilligent students!!!!! I got a B in A&P II so now its on to Micro.
  19. Summer classes?

    Im taking A&P I (already took A&P II) and Micro. Im gonna be tooooo busy!
  20. Which is harder A&PI or A&PII?

    I think A&P II contains more information because of all the different body systems so it may be a bit more difficult. I don't know if that answers your question. Good luck!
  21. Fed Financial aid help

    First of all, let me say that I'm sorry that this has happened to you. Just when you think you are getting somewhere the MAN tries to hold you back! During my last semester in college, I got a letter stating that I had exceeded the maximum attempted ...
  22. For RN's) How much do you take home after taxes????

    Boy am I glad to live in California! There is a local hospital I hope to work at once I finish nursing school that pays new grads $32.04 p/h. I guess the tradeoff would be the high cost of living here. I live in northern California so the cost of...
  23. freaking out! now what???

    You have to understand that there is a lot to nursing and nursing is a serious job. Nurses have to do a job that they have to perform to optimal levels everyday. Not just when they feel like it. People's lives are in the hands of these professiona...
  24. Day Shift vs. Night Shift

    Night shift also pays more don't forget that!
  25. Question: Previous degrees

    I have a BS in Health Science with an emphasis on Community Health. I originally started as a Pre-Nursing major but I let outside influences steer me towards Health Science. Nursing has always been in my heart so where am I now??? On my way back to ...