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All Content by oualie20

  1. Update Thread for New Grads Looking for Jobs in MA

    Hey Lena: Congrats and good luck...remember to dress professionally...have questions ready to ask !!!!!!!!!!! Let us know how it goes :wink2:
  2. new grads in boston hospitals??

    I'm not sure about this but the 1st degree may be "overlooked," I too have a previous bachelor's and truthfully, that doesn't seem to matter. I would certainly talk to nurse recruiters at the hospitals you are most interested in...beginning now.. ...
  3. Update Thread for New Grads Looking for Jobs in MA

    still looking...starting to think this was NOT a good career move oualie
  4. Are any new grads finding jobs??

    Hi LenaRn good luck to you on the job search. I saw that job fair and I was planning on attending. Have you looked at the Career Advice forum...there is some good advice there...hey keep us updated on your progress...it helps me get through the day...
  5. Are any new grads finding jobs??

    thanks for thinking of us new grads who are eager to get started. I have yet to be called for an interview... I passed the boards and I've applied everywhere! I started applying to nursing homes rehabs etc, hopefully I'll have better luck in that ar...
  6. I can't believe...

    I can't believe how difficult it is to find a job as a new grad in the Boston area. I just graduated in May and I've applied for numerous Med Surg positions and nothing...any one feeling the same way:confused:
  7. Is anybody hiring out there????

    I feel your pain...I too just graduated and cannot even land an interview :angryfire I actually talked with a few recruiters from the larger hospitals in Boston and I was told by some because I didn't have any hospital experience outside of clinical...