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All Content by japaho41

  1. only top 4 percent?

    Be careful what you wish for. When we assume that the top 1% yields the best candidate that will be the best in the field. I have encounted those that are in that 1% that you speak of that outside the classroom are simply disastrous. Application of...
  2. how to survive anesthesia school

    I think that that is probably a good approximation of the amount of time that it requires. What you have to keep in mind is that the time committment varies from person to person. If you are one of those people that can read something once and you ...
  3. Interesting Piece of Info From an Advisor

    Now that you say that you already have a BS you have more options. 1) you can get you ADN and then apply after you get experience to some programs that will except students that have a BS in other than nursing (may not be in Mich. though) 2) I th...
  4. Interesting Piece of Info From an Advisor

    I would suggest that you just cut to the chase and bypass the Community college and just enroll in the BSN program, don't make it a two step process. The advantages of a going the Community college route is that they are typically cheaper and you ca...
  5. ugrad student requesting advice!

    I don't think that I would attempt to get both degrees at the same time if that is what you are asking. What I would do if I were you is apply to a nursing program preferably a BSN program, while you are waiting for acceptance continue to take cours...
  6. what are my chances with these stat??

    I think that most schools require the GRE and some will accept the MAT. I don't know the names of the programs but I recall talking to someone that only applied to schools that didn't require the GRE. The programs were in Minnesota, Kansas, and Con...
  7. Best prep for CRNA school

    Look at other threads, this is a very common question on this site. I typically rank the ICU experiences in this order 1)CTSU/CVICU or SICU 2) MICU 3) NICU 4) CCU Why CTSU: majority if not all surgical post-open heart pt's, full invasive lines, ve...
  8. crna school and iv skills

    I think that can be quite common especially when you have a lot of central lines. I would not really worry about your IV skills at this point. Some programs are front loaded and you might not touch a patient for a year so think of the things that y...
  9. ugrad student requesting advice!

    It sounds like you are weighing continuning your degree or attempting to enroll in a BSN program. My suggestion is to apply to a BSN program opposed to finishing your degree. Some programs have a waiting list so it could be awhile before you could...
  10. CRNA school with a baby?

    Just make sure it is the right time for you tackle this challenge. I can't imagine doing this with a child as much time that I contribute to school on a daily basis. I would think that you would have to keep in mind that when your child is sick tha...
  11. Neurosurgical ICU or Medical ICU?

    1) CVICU 2) SICU 3) MICU Definetly MICU over NICU just because of the variety of patients.
  12. NC Hospitals

    I have worked at Wake Med & Durham Regional. Wake Med is a that is a great place to work in my opinion. Durham Regional I didn't care to much for in the short travel contract I did there. It looks like you might be looking for something in On...
  13. Really Important! Need Advice, Pre Crna

    I don't think that it looks bad having one year exp. that is not really the question of concern. What you need to be concerned with is that 1) your 1 yr. exp is significant in preparing you to move on to bigger & better things 2) What do the pro...
  14. GRE Study Books

    Princeton Rev. (I used/liked the most) Kaplan GRE Rev. Also used the CD from the GRE.
  15. I think that you should always caution getting caught up in the name of facility I believing that it is synonomous for a good place to work & good training. Within the area Duke has one of the highest turnover rates. I have known a number of pe...
  16. Per Diem Agency Pay Rates?

    Some of the hospitals have internal travel positions like Wake Med which will bypass the agency all together.
  17. Duke usually offers a lower pay rate than Wake Med. They will tell you that yes, this is what we are offering you but you will be able to put Duke on your resume. This was actually said to a former co-worker of mine that questioned the pay rate in a...
  18. NC licensure

    I think it is less than three weeks for a temp license.
  19. Graduate RN moving to NC

    Not sure where you are looking to live but I would suggest that you don't live around Duke considering the crime rates. I would suggest living near the mall (Southpoint mall) near I-40. Lots of places to eat around that same area near the mall as...
  20. only top 4 percent?

    I don't think that you can ever bank on on aspect alone, it's the total package. Just ask those that thought that they were pretty sure they would get in. You are headed in the right direction thinking that the interview is a important aspect. I t...
  21. Casual ICU work

    My advice would be to get accepted first don't make any sudden moves that would raise red flags. I have seen some admission criteria that states that applicant must remain in the ICU (I would think full-time) up until you start the program.
  22. what are my chances with these stat??

    Go For it, my score was below 1000 and was accepted. Your GPA was excellent and you have good experience. Depending on when you are applying it would not hurt to give the GRE another shot since you have experience with the test.
  23. Dismisal from a previous program is a fairly standard question it seemed at least on the applications that I filled out. Once you are admitted and recieve membership to the AACN this would be a searchable avenue if anyone was to attempt to deny a p...
  24. only top 4 percent?

    I would think that you may have to repeat your GRE. Being that your BS degree is not like a BS in Biology you may have to get a BSN. There are some programs that will allow a BS and an AS in nursing. I think that your best plan would be to cut to...
  25. You would think that it would be very difficult to prove to another program that this time will be different. The fact that each year another group of applicants with the same stats are knocking at the door to get in makes it that much more difficul...