

Peds Urology,primary care, hem/onc

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All Content by rnsrgr8t

  1. Familiarity breeds contempt

    We are all on a first name basis in my office, MDs, RNs, NPs, MA's etc. Now when I refer to the MD's to a patient I use Dr. out of respect (Dr. SoandSo will be in) and I have heard them refer to me as "Ms. RNsrgr8t". When I introduce myself to patien...
  2. Ok, this one hasn't been done in a while....

    I came up with mine when I was in high school just prior to going to nursing school. I initially used it as my email address and I now use it for most of my ID's..... RNsrgr8t.... RNs are great. Was cute when I came up with it at the time! I thought ...
  3. I Feel Like The Most Incompetent Nurse Ever!

    AWWW you are welcome!!! Been a Nurse for 13 years and a PNP for 6....gotta share some of my mistakes so others can benefit right? Remember, it happens to everyone. The day you think you are immune to making a boo boo...man are you going to make a doo...
  4. I Feel Like The Most Incompetent Nurse Ever!

    Every nurse makes at least one med error in a situation like this when we are too busy, have too much going on, your gut tells you something is wonky with a situation and you do not listen to it and instead try to get all of your work done. Happened ...
  5. Administering pediatric vaccinations

    You are very welcome!!!! Good Luck! You will be great!
  6. Administering pediatric vaccinations

    The advice you have already gotten is great....I have a few more since I worked in a peds office for 4 + years.... In a 5 year old, if they need 2 shots, I normally would get a coworker to tag team them with me. We would have the child sit on the exa...
  7. Orienting woes!

    I think what you can do is sit down and have a heart to heart with her as has been suggested already. Not in a punitve way but in an honest way. She may already be aware that she is in way over her head and waiting for someone to give her an out. I w...
  8. NP relocation bonus/stipend

    I moved from GA to PA for my APN job. The hospital I work with had a $4,000 relocation assist for employees. Granted this was 6 years ago so I do not know if they still have it with this economy. I did not have to negotiate for it. I think it is reas...
  9. Struggling NP student

    The anxiety you feel is normal. You are adjusting to a new model of care and it is hard, especially when you are used to being the "expert" in your field and comfortable in your RN role. The points given in the previous posts are very good. The "pimp...
  10. offended co worker

    I agree with the other posters....he seems a little oversensitive to me. I tend to be sarcastic and when I feel comfortable with people I can totally do what you did. For me, I would not have given it a second thought if you had said that to me. Sinc...
  11. Lab Coat NP Embroidery

    My hospital issues us 2 new labcoats a year.. On the right side it has my hospital logo On the left side it has in blue script: RNSrgr8t, RN,CPNP Pediatic Urology
  12. Any one else feel this way

    I have been practicing for 6 years and still do that!!!
  13. It must be a pleasure to work with a doctor like this

    His blog is hilarious and you should follow it! He posts almost daily and it is amazing how nuts some of his patients are!!!
  14. Having confidence issues in clinical rotation

    Totally normal!!! It is a hard adjustment to make to go from being an expert in your field to going back and feeling like you know nothing. To me it was a harder adjustment then when I was a new nurse. Relax and do not be so hard on yourself. It will...
  15. Never driving to work in snow again

    I live in the mid- Atlantic which just got hammered this week with snow. I am all about getting into work, I have a 4 wheel drive, there are some times I stay in a hotel in town (I live about 30 minutes from my job) so I don't have to worry about get...
  16. How micro-managed are you?

    I work in a hospital (in the outpatient side) that does use press gainey and scripting (not to the extreme extent that I have heard here). A few years ago, we were told to do this script with all our new patients basically bragging about all of my ac...
  17. What made your first year of NP difficult?

    I have been a PNP for 6 years and am still in the job I started right after school. I was very lucky to work with great physicians and another NP that loved teaching and taught me everything I know ( I work in a specialty that I had no prior experien...
  18. If we had a conservative nurses forum

    Another conservative here!!!
  19. giving oral meds to skilled fighters

    I can give some tips I have picked up with my 10+ years of peds experience!!! It can be tough though!! First, a good medication syringe is vital. Draw up the medication, insert the syringe into the side of the mouth and aim to the side/back of the mo...
  20. Patients wanting to see THE doctor!

    Are there a subset of diagnoses in your specialty that you will be following or do you see everyone? In my practice, I see a specific set of patients. The MD's I work with will let the patients know that they will be following up with me, that I am a...
  21. Interview...employer ?s to ask, can I have a sheet?

    No problem!! Good Luck!!!
  22. Interview...employer ?s to ask, can I have a sheet?

    For every interview I have been on (and I have been on so many in my career), I have a leather portfolio I was given for my college graduation that I always bring with me that I always bring with me. In it I bring several copies of my resume (you wou...
  23. Attire for clinicals

    That is the only thing I miss from my days as a RN is my scrubs! Hate having think about what I am to wear in the mornings...still not used to it after 6 years!!! :) As far as shoes....I have bad feet (SOOO hard for me to find shows that don't hurt ...
  24. Proper use of credentials

    At my hospital, we are all APNs, regardless of what our certs are and we have EMR so everything is signed electronically RNsrgr8t, APN. When I am writing letters, handwriting scripts, orders for supplies etc, I write RNsrgr8t, RN, CPNP which is also ...
  25. Someone said what does a NICU nurse do?

    I remember, waaaay back (12 + years ago) when I worked on a busy pediatric hem/onc/bmt floor, we used to get first year pediatric residents, first assignment out of med school on July 1. We were a huge pediatric hospital.... wouldn't it be better to ...