

Peds Urology,primary care, hem/onc

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All Content by rnsrgr8t

  1. Thought of another one... I used to work in a pediatrician's practice. We had a work station next to an exam room. I was on the phone with my mortgage company (I do not remember why). In the middle of the conversation, the person I was speaking with...
  2. This happens in our clinic ALL the time. I work in a hospital that has multiple outpatient clinics. They all have a main front desk with our check in people answering the phones. Of course, random people call the back lines in our work area. Ring rin...
  3. What do you mean you're sick? How dare you!

    I work for a Urology practice. There are 3 nurses, 2 APN's and 4 MD's and 3 residents. Whenever the MD's get sick, have a family emergency, death in the family, we ALL always pitch in and "just get it done". Our lead APN is the supervisor for all the...
  4. Cra Cra co-workers

    Ok so now I am totally intrigued and tried to Google it and got nothing!!!
  5. He/She Said What!?

    I work in a surgical practice as an APN. I have my own panel of patients I follow independently but I also help the surgeons with their patient's needs when they are in the OR. One of my colleagues was operating and one of his patients needed a peer ...
  6. Do you text your patients?

    I do not give my personal cell phone to my patients. If for some reason I would have to call them from my cell, I would block my caller ID so they did not get the number. I do not give out my work email to them either. We have a patient portal that o...
  7. I started going to one of our satellite offices with one of our attendings to help her see the large volume of patients she was seeing there. There was just too many patients and she needed another provider with her to help with the flow. My first da...
  8. This week, I learned.... (7/25)

    Sort of singing??? Holy cow you have an amazing voice! Your bird was precious!
  9. What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?

    And in this current patient satisfaction environment, can totally see management coming down hard on the nurses for that! Ugggh I am right there with you! At least make an effort to learn the language and DON'T get angry that the staff does not speak...
  10. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner advice

    I am a PNP. I was a nurse for 5 years and ONLY every worked in pediatrics. It was a no brainer for me to get my PNP (as opposed to the FNP) b/c the idea of working with adults (even if it was only for clinicals) gave me chest pain :). I work as part ...
  11. Are you Facebook friends with your coworkers?

    I am friends with a few of my close coworkers that are also my personal friends outside of work. I keep FB light though and never post anything about work unless it is something funny one of my pediatric patients say (out of the mouth of babes!). I d...
  12. Be honest, what pt behaviors do you find annoying?

    See YOU are the patient I love (not that suprises me RubyV!)!!! Your doctor's office should LISTEN to the message and call you when you are available! They should NOT get testy with you about that. I would definitely complain to your provider about t...
  13. Durable Medical Equipement and supplies prescriptions

    I am lucky that we have social workers that can help us find which DME company works with a patient's insurance. See if your patient already has a social worker that works with them. If you do not have access to that, then you can call the insurance...
  14. Be honest, what pt behaviors do you find annoying?

    I work outpatient. I will get an urgent message from our secretaries asking me to call a parent of one of our patients (I work pediatrics). This is typically how it goes Ring, Ring, Ring "Hello?" "Good morning, this is RNsrgr8t from Urology" silence...
  15. So...What Kind of Nursing Task Do You LIKE?

    It has been over 10 years since I have had to do it but I used to LOVE accessing PortaCaths...not sure why but always thought it was cool. Still like giving IM injections. Like it when kids barely react or tell me they did not feel it at all!
  16. Who prescribes for themselves or family

    I am a PNP SO i can only prescribe for kids but I would NOT do it for family or friends. Just not worth it to me. Like others have said, not worth the risk to me. I do not judge others who do it and I am grateful when my MD colleagues will write me s...
  17. I was working nights on my summer break during nursing school on the peds floor at the local hospital. I was all of 19 and an eager nurse extern. I worked with some amazing nurses who really mentored me. We had a little girl with end stage cancer. Sh...
  18. This week, I learned (7/18).....

    OMG ROTFLMAO! I have 3 kitties and they would totally go medieval on a chipmunk! They go nuts with bugs!!
  19. Which EHR do you use at your practice

    My hospital system (inpatient and outpatient) uses Epic. I love it. I love the CareEverywhere feature... a lot of the local hospital systems use Epic as well so we can get records easily. I work in a specialty so a lot of the patients come with no re...
  20. Report: Jason Pierre-Paul Had His Right Index Finger Amputated I saw this and my jaw dropped.....looks like some used their cell phone to take a picture of the OR's grease board to show his OR Case status (and another patient too) plus his OR cas...
  21. Today, I am thankful for......

    1) That I was able to get up on my own each day and go to work. 2) That although it drives me nuts a lot, I have a good job and can make a good living. 3) I love the "functioning rectum" LOL gotta be thankful for that one! And a functioning bladder...
  22. What To Expect From Your Preceptor

    Love this!!! I like the part that you may not like them and they may not like you but you can still learn from them. My first preceptor right out of nursing school, hated me and made my life a personal and I almost quite being a nurse. HOWEVER, she w...
  23. Late for work excuses

    I was late to work one time b/c I had a bird in my house!!! I was getting ready for work when I noticed all three of my cats where in my closet looking up. I looked in and there was a black bird sitting on the rack!!! My looking in there got it all s...
  24. Ridiculous Reasons to See the Nurse

    This happened on a teen retreat with my church...but thought you guys would appreciate so we are at this retreat center in the absolute middle of nowhere (no real cell phone signal). I was one of the teen ministers but b/c I am a nurse, I was always...
  25. Is anything at your work that puzzles you

    OMG this is one of my huge pet peeves.......WHY do people do that?? So inconsiderate!