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  1. Gpa 2.73

    It doesn't mean you'll be a bad nurse if you have a lower GPA. Right now, it means that you're going to have trouble getting into nursing school though. While you may be able to meet the minimum requirements, if your program is anything like mine, ...
  2. Not sure if I really want to be an RN...

    Thanks to all who have replied. I was going to drop out of the program before the start of my Senior year, but my mother convinced me to stay in. I am not externing currently and that is a lot of stress off my back. I am planning on finishing the pro...
  3. I'm in my Senior year of a BSN nursing program and will graduate with the highest honors the university has in May. But, I don't think I want to be an RN. I've externed for two years in two different hospitals and hated it. I've worked at the VA on a...