Just a CRNA

Just a CRNA

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All Content by Just a CRNA

  1. Any Advice for school preparation for this year?

    Students have told me that they used the search engine bigwords.com as a source for finding their textbooks at a more reasonable rate. If you have the ISBN number, the search works best, but otherwise title and author/editor can also be used. Hope ...
  2. No GRE who said it

    TCU's program requires either the GRE or the Miller Analogy Test (MAT). Both tests have study programs to prepare you for the actual exam, and students report that the study programs make a huge difference in test outcome. www.tcu.edu
  3. anesthesia research topic

    I always felt there was a direct relationship regarding the distance between a patient's nose and the laryngoscopist's nose based on their level of experience. Beginning laryngoscopists appear to be kissing the patient on the forehead; their noses al...
  4. Tcu

    This may be some of the best advice that I've seen on here.
  5. Anesthesia in toddler

    General anesthesia with an LMA works well for this procedure. Some like to inject some caudal anesthesia also...works nicely if they are proficient with this block.
  6. Zofran for morphine-induced itching?

    A very small dose of Narcan (0.1 mg) or so works well for pruritis without really affecting the analgesic component of epidural narcotics.
  7. Demand for CRNAs in the northwest

    A good barometer of jobs and responsibilities is found on Gaswork.com (not gasworkS.com). It will not factor in regional cost of living, but you can get a feel for salaries, perks, and expectations regarding skills (regional, central lines, etc.). ...
  8. copper kettle equation

    Vernitrol and Copper Kettle equations can be very complex, or you can make it a bit easier by using the method detailed above. To recap, this formula is based on a room temperature of 20 degrees C. Since both Halothane and Forane have similar vapor...
  9. Interview Blues

    You are correct that it is a combination of subjective and objective data. To some degree, if your objective data is inadequate, you will not be offered an interview. So, if you are invited for an interview, there is obviously some good, quality in...
  10. Interview Blues

    It's OK to answer "I don't know" if you draw a complete blank. We'd rather hear that than to watch you try and make something up. Honesty is certainly appreciated in an interview.
  11. Navy vs Air Force

    We prefer to think of the Air Force as the executive branch of the military. The Marines are indeed a department of the Navy. They consider it the MEN's department! LOL. Good luck in whichever branch you choose!
  12. Medical school?

    I've always appreciated this difference: When a student once asked a CRNA what the difference was between anesthesiologists training and CRNAs training...the CRNA replied, "Anesthesiologists are taught how to get themselves out of trouble. CRNAs ar...
  13. Any CNRAs in Reserve Programs?

    Regarding age limits: Again, each service has different rules and regulations. Currently, the Air Force Reserve is signing and commissioning docs and nurses up to the age of 47 (I'm pretty sure of that). Since it takes 20 good years to retire, and...
  14. Any CNRAs in Reserve Programs?

    I don't have any hard statistics on involuntary call-ups and deployments of reservists. I do know that the Air Force Reserve is handling the bulk of its taskings with members who are volunteering to go. I suspect the largest portion of involuntary ca...
  15. thank you note??

    After sitting in on numerous interviews, I am aware of only one potential student who took the time to send a follow up note. It was very favorably received.
  16. Can someone explain to me what GPAs the CRNA schools look at??

    In our program, we look at your GPA and calculate it 3 different ways. The first is overall, which will include all undergraduate hours. The second consideration is all math and science courses, and the final is the "last 60" semester hours attempt...
  17. Any CNRAs in Reserve Programs?

    I am a Lt Col in the Air Force Reserve...and enjoy it very much. I feel that I am repaying a small debt for the freedom that we all enjoy. Certainly, if you want a part time job that adds to your overall wealth, the military is not for you. Howeve...