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All Content by Trauma_Queen

  1. Worst week ever...(vent)

    i can understand what you are going through. over christmas break, my grandmother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and in the same week my mother was developing a cns disorder. doctor told us it could be a stroke, als, or multiple sclerosis. al...
  2. new to site and struggling

    hey everyone! my name is erica and i am new to the site. i am currently in an adn program set to graduate in may. here's my feels like everything is coming down on me at once and i just wish it could be may and me be over with school. th...
  3. new to site and struggling

    Actually the DON is a former student of my school and also there have been two other groups of students before me that apparently she worked with really well. I was not there alone, there was another peer with me. Our objectives are to follow the D...