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All Content by Trauma_Queen

  1. I've got a couple.. First, we had an add-on double below the knee amputation come in. When I pulled off the sheets to position the guy, he had maggots coming out of the wounds on both legs. Story was a "friend" of his found him sleeping on the floor ...
  2. CNOR

    I took mine in December and passed. I took the AORN course online, which covered a lot of useful topics such as sterilization. My facility doesn't pay any extra money to have CNOR, but they did pay for $500 of cost, which almost covered all my testin...
  3. The longest 48 hours of my life!

    Well, I took NCLEX-RN on Monday and just found out about 30 minutes ago that I passed!! I had 96 questions and I spent the last two days going back and forth..thinking I failed... This is an incredible day! Thank you to everyone who posts on here..It...
  4. Poll for those who have already taken NCLEX..

    1. how many questions did you take on nclex? 96 questions and passed 2. what study materials did you use? did you take a test review course? i didn't take a review course, but i studied with saunders third edition 3. did your son offer any testin...
  5. New grads....where do you work?

    Graduating in May and just accepted an offer for the O.R...I'm so excited!
  6. Interview question...

    Just wanted to give an update... I went for the interview on Thursday and was invited back for the second round of interviews! I'm so excited. Everything about the interview was amazing. The manager was very impressed with the questions I was asking ...
  7. Interview question...

    Hey everyone! I just needed some input on this. I applied at a hospital for a GN position in the ER. I got a call back for an interview this week and set my interview up for this coming Thursday. But when I just happened to look at the hospital's w...
  8. First Job???

    Ahh...someone who is going through the same feelings that I am right now. I have interviewed at 3 different hospitals and still no job. I know it's still the end of March, but I'm starting to feel this "rush" that I have to lock down a job right now...
  9. Competitiveness Among Interviewing Students

    Yeah..this happened to me the other day. I was filling out a form for our instructors so that they can write our letters of recommendation and I had a handout describing the pediatric unit I interviewed for the previous week that had the nurse manag...
  10. OK really leave me alone already!!!

    Ok..I'm going to put my two cents in.. First off, the statement about having to repeat because they weren't smart enough to get through it the first time is really harsh and uncalled for.. I am a repeater...But it doesn't mean I'm not smart because I...
  11. Nursing Lab Preceptor with an attitude..Please help!!

    Okay..first off, this is going to be a little off topic, but I have to disagree with recording conversations discreetly. As far as I know, it is against the law to record a conversation without telling someone that you are recording a conversation. ...
  12. Is anyone else feeling pressure about finding a job?

    Don't start freaking out or anything...I graduate in May and as far as I know in my area, most of the hospitals won't even start posting new grad jobs until February at the earliest because they're still dealing with the december grads...(and feel fr...
  13. Nursing School Blues??

    Okay..see if this makes anyone feel any better... I went through a major depressive state during Christmas Break in 2005. I had just finished my 3rd semester (I'm in an ADN program) and was ready to start my last semester. Everything just kinda hit...
  14. Is El Centro the best move??

    I haven't heard much about Collin County's program. Where in the DFW area do you live? If it's not too long of a drive, I would recommend you look at Trinity Valley's program in Kaufman. I'm currently a student there and their program really does ...
  15. Lippincott Book Question

    I use the Med-Surg Nursing review series by Lippincott..but that's only because my instructor wrote the book and it really does help for our tests...I'd recommend it because she's such an awesome instructor
  16. Does anyone know of a good drug guide?

    I use Springhouse and absolutely love fact a lot of my classmates ask to use mine instead of Davis or Mosby's because it has more info... I also use Gahart's intravenous medications book as well...I would recommend Gahart to everyone..really h...
  17. Need some advice?

    Ah..yes..someone that finally feels my pain...LatinGirl you're not alone..I was supposed to graduate this past May as well and ended up failing by 1.8 points. Now our program didn't have 40 fail..we had 13 but that's still a lot.. And I can understa...
  18. I feel like such a failure

    okay this is going to be a long post... i just "finished" my final semester of nursing school. i had two make up tests to take and had to take them both on the same day. i made a b on the first one, but got really tired while taking the second one ...
  19. I need some Advice: can you work and go to NS?

    no i had all of my pre reqs done and just taking nursing courses. i don't know how it is at other schools, but in our program you are required to write formal papers and in the final semester you have a formal paper due every monday morning.
  20. I need some Advice: can you work and go to NS?

    i used to think that you could work and go to nursing school. i worked two jobs that equaled out to 40 hours a week, one of which was two 12 hour shifts on the weekends. i made it all the way to the final a couple of days ago and unfourtunately did...
  21. Pinning and Graduation ceremonies

    i will be participating in both since attending the pinning ceremony in my program is required. kinda have to do graduation since our pinning ceremony is just between students and instructors and family is not allowed to attend.
  22. May Grads! Where are you working?

    i'm heading to transplant/surgical icu...i've been a nurse tech on that unit for a year...can't wait!!!!
  23. question regarding declaratory process

    i would try to find out if the check has anything to do with it. we were told that people have been denied sitting for boards because they were not aware that a "hot" check had been reported. our instructors have always advised us numerous times th...
  24. When is the pinning ceremony?

    our pinning cermony is held the same day as our final exam. you have two hours to take the final, and then an hour later, it's the pinning ceremony. here's a couple of things that are messed up about our school's processes. first off, you can part...
  25. Took Hesi EXIT Today!

    i usually review the case studies online at seem to help more than anything...and it can't hurt that one of my instructors actually writes the questions for hesi