gentle_ben_RN ASN

general surgery/ER/PACU

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All Content by gentle_ben_RN

  1. gentle_ben_RN

    So..You're going to be a MALE nurse?

    I can honestly say there is nothing else I'd rather do than be a nurse. In the PACU, the patients are still pretty loopy from the anesthesia and often think that I'm their surgeon and start asking me how everything went and if I really had to cut the...
  2. I work in the PACU and I love it. My wife is the ER adrenaline junkie.
  3. gentle_ben_RN

    Roll Call

    Even if we are outnumbered in our profession.....we can still talk in our own little forum.......soon we can take over the world:devil:
  4. gentle_ben_RN

    PACU RN's- what is your visitor policy?

    Yes we allow visits. Policy is to limit the visit to 1 fam member to only 2-3 min. However with my experience the family either greatly appreciates the opportunity or tries to take advantage of it and manipulate the staff to let the mother, brother, ...
  5. gentle_ben_RN

    You might be a PACU nurse if...

    My fav. is when the volunteer calls the desk and says the family wants to know how Mr./Ms whoever is doing when the patient has only been in the pacu long enough to be checked in and then continues to call every 30 min.