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All Content by PeachPie

  1. IMO, telling someone to smile, especially if there is a chance that they may be mad, is like tickling a tiger. Would you go up to a surgeon, fully garbed and elbow-deep in a patient, trying not to nick major blood vessels, scowling in concentration, ...
  2. i found a great article on why people, especially men, tell you to smile. a neutral expression is fine. smiles can be quite inappropriate for moods such as death. i cue on to the atmosphere of the patient's room and act accordingly.also, not every...
  3. You're missing the point. It's okay when you're smiling. However, telling others to smile is rude and intrusive. Also, healthcare staff should know that if you're going to interrupt, make it important. Like I said, I'll be up to my ears in paperwork...
  4. You are not a precious, unique snowflake who deserves to have its butt kissed. You are an organic rotting meatbag just like the rest of us. Okay, you complain that nobody smiles at you and that you want to be treated like a person, yet you treat eve...
  5. Has anyone went from ltc to hospital RN

    I could not find a job as a new grad, so I started out LTAC. It wasn't a bad start. If nothing, it was cold hard time at nursing. After 6 months there, I upgraded to a hospital. I too want to travel, and am frustrated that I need a year more after fi...
  6. I royally stink at starting IVs. I've only been an RN for 6 months, and my first job was at an LTAC where everyone had PICC lines and Port-a-Caths. Now I just started work at a major regional hospital and am royally embarrassed by my lack of IV profi...
  7. My boyfriend is letting me practice IV starts on him!

    You know how you accidentally leave work with stuff in your pockets? I had some lab vacutainers, needles, IV caths, saline flushes and other various things that I'd dump in a case in my car after work and forget about. After I left my last job, I cle...
  9. This is one of the sanest posts I've ever seen on this board. It's nice to see someone with a sense of prioritization. Don't get me wrong, attitude counts. I've met some horrible, toxic nurses who need to get the hell out of nursing, and a compassion...
  10. Obnoxious co-workers...

    I work with a guy who is the worst possible combination of Dr. Phil and Pollyanna. He's also nosy as hell and loves to brag about his numerous accomplishments! When he got his new luxury SUV, he took everyone out to take a look at it! He'd pull me a...
  11. US economic crisis and Nurses???

    Amen. I'm "paying my dues" by working LTAC, and I actually get paid more than my fellow graduates at major hospitals. It's not the experience that a major hospital will give, but hopefully they'll consider me in 6 months. Once I started looking outsi...
  12. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with you on every count. The loudest whiners are often indeed human hemorrhoids who lack any modicum of self-awareness. Yes, young eating does exist, but too many wolf-callers cheapen the issue.
  13. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    These is a new nurse on my floor who claims that I'm a meanie and a young eater. He is an obnoxious pest who, even when I am obviously swamped with work, will try to come up and initiate small talk. He'll start talking about stuff like how tired he i...
  14. New RN frustrated with job search - Houston

    There are nursing shortages in Houston too. However, they are short of EXPERIENCED nurses.
  15. New RN frustrated with job search - Houston

    Apply in time for the internships, as they fill up quickly. For example, Memorial Hermann only hires new grads in May and January. Another option is to go outside of the Houston city limits. Houston is swamped with new grads. Even Ben Taub has a wai...
  16. I live in Houston, which has about 6 nursing schools in the area and therefore experiences gluts of new nurses. Despite the famous medical center, even the biggest county hospital has a new nurse/GN waiting list of about 90 people. I was having troub...
  17. Why so hard to find a job?

    I live in Houston, which has about 6 nursing schools in the area. There is a huge glut of new nurses. Even the biggest county hospital has a waiting list of about 90 people. I traveled outside of the city limits and applied and now only hospitals, bu...
  18. Japan dealing with nursing shortage

    Nippon ni kangofu de hatarakitai yo!
  19. "Women Are Catty"

    Regardless of whether or not females are catty, let's all do our part by raising and mentoring the next generations (males and females!) to be above such behavior. I have pointed out behavior to some people, and I have tried my hardest to be a good r...
  20. "Women Are Catty"

    I'll say this as well: I'm not saying that men are better workers, but I think that they are more conditioned to a workplace with objectives and are more likely to set aside personal stuff for work. I know plenty of good female workers who can make a...
  21. "Women Are Catty"

    This essay says it better than I ever could. It addresses the problem and the social conditioning behind it. She is right on the money that it is a learned behavior that can be unlearned or not taught at all. Edit: This website is not letting me put ...
  22. BLS or ACLS?

    I just graduated from an RN program, and I have to renew my CPR and AED certification. I always took Basic Life Support (BLS) for healthcare providers in the past, but I saw Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support on the American Heart Association webs...
  23. I work in a school that trains CNAs. We have an equal-opportunity policy. Whether you have a PhD or whether you didn't finish middle school, everyone takes a simple math and reading comprehension test. It's my job to give the test and explain it. On...
  24. HCC Spring 08

    I graduated!
  25. CNA school in Houston

    Go to the Texas Health School. It's affordable and you can get your license in a short time. The teachers are great too.