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About PeachPie

PeachPie specializes in EC, IMU, LTAC.

I love sacasm!

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  1. Help i need with job in houston

    I had the same problem when I was a new grad, and my solution was to go for the smaller, less advertised hospitals such as Triumph, which is now Kindred, Reliant, Nexus, Solara, etc. Don't be afraid...
  2. I do I do! I wear pressure socks, plus some cushy low-cut socks over them for padding, plus my Z-Coil shoes! The combination is as unsexy as it gets, but I'm going to stave off varicose veins as long...
  3. I have a question about the etiquette of meeting higher-ups, asking recommendations from them, and how to offer a means of meeting and compensation for their time without it seeming like a bribe. This...
  4. is a comprehensive search. They search both resellers and online stores. I go into the school store, note the titles, editions, authors, and ISBN (if possible, some cover the bar...
  5. What is a step-down unit?

    I work Neuro ICU stepdown, which means that they're not acute enough to need the ICU, but still need staff with specialized neurological
  6. im selfish? hmmm

    You are incorrect and elitist. The only people who should be having kids are the ones who are dedicated enough to raise them. Those who won't shouldn't have kids. You're just like my dad. He and my...
  7. Sitters can definitely be an asset, and you sound like you care about your job. Good for you. Ignore the haters. I will tell you about some of the negative experiences I have had with sitters though....
  8. im selfish? hmmm

    It's considered abnormal to not like kids, and women get judged more harshly. I agree with everyone else here, it would be selfish to have kids knowing that you don't like or want them. Seriously,...
  9. I went to the Shenandoah/Spring/Woodlands/Conroe area. There was only one nursing school in the area, which meant better
  10. In Houston, we have about 6 nursing schools in the area. This means a glut of new grads every semester, with hundreds of applicants competing for a few coveted jobs. I drove out of the Houston area...
  11. To the family of a very difficult patient with BPD: don't tell us that we're the problem and cause her to be rude and difficult. If it was a problem with just one or two people, it would be them....
  12. The case of the missing pens: A rant and an idea

    I put little stickers on my pens so I can distinguish mine from others, and rightfully claim them if someone else has one without my permission. I also keep a pack of cheapo Bic pens on hand for...
  13. You are denying pain meds to the same woman who gave birth to you? Oh, it just "kills" you to see her take a med that would make her stop crying and cringing in pain? There is a special hell for you....
  14. I've only been a nurse for 2 1/2 years, and all personal and professional references when job searching have been mentors, instructors, friends, coworkers, and other fairly familiar people. Basically,...
  15. To all the grown-up (I use that term loosely) Mama's boys and Daddy's little girls: Thank you so much for making me the meanest mom in the world. People like you horrify me into disciplining kids in...