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All Content by Forevermomof5

  1. wowohwowohwowohwow

    :angryfire I'm jealous!!!! No, just kidding:kiss Congrats....just keep a positive attitude and it'll go so smoothly. Karen
  2. I recieved my letter from nursing school

    I wouldn't sweat it at all. You know that like other things, many people change their minds and decide to do other things. I would count on it because if you're not prepared you could be rushing doing things that should be done now. Don't worry a ...
  3. What do you wear to nursing school?

    I just thought that I'd add my two cents.... Everytime I've gone to the Financial Aid Office I have worn whatever I wore to class that day, whether it was shorts or jeans or whatever. They cannot discriminate against you because of what you are wear...
  4. Who is starting an ADN program in September?

    Hey Debstr and Beaming.... I am starting too this fall and I am also taking Pharmacology this summer. I know I've talked with you before, Debbie but we haven't lately. I'm excited to meet you guys! I am just dying to start our class on Monday. I'...
  5. This is a broken record....

    Hi everyone. I hope that everyone isn't getting tired of all of us bragging away! I got my letter today too!!!! I feel like doing the dance. I have waited so long for this...I got married after my first year of college and then within the first...
  6. need prayers!

    I agree with need to take the day before off and rest your mind a bit. I always seem to do better when I don't keep studying until the last minute. Just have confidence in yourself and a positive attitude and you'll do great. We ca...
  7. This is a broken record....

    I just wanted to say thanks. It always helps to have some encouraging words by people who are in the same boat as yourself. And I know it's true - what matters most is my own family, just my kids and my husband. Everything else is just secondary. ...
  8. Today, I started...

    Isn't it great to have life going good? Congrats!
  9. Body Fluid Exposure

    I worked as a CNA in a hospital for a while and I was exposed to Meningitis. The patient (a rather obnoxious lowlife) was supposed to be coming out of isolation. I was helping her around and taking care of her when her IV came out, no big deal. We...
  10. NLN preadmission exam.......

    I don't think that ebay would have them, but it's worth a try. They are a little pricey at $10 each for a small stack of papers. I would ask around at school. I let a few people just borrow mine until they were done and then I got them back to loan...
  11. NLN preadmission exam.......

    HI!!! I took the NLN in January and honestly I don't know if there really is a way to prepare for it. I sent for the old exams and the only thing that really helped me with those is to know the format and time restrictions. Lots of people I know di...
  12. Well, I'm registered for my first class

    This is what I've done when I couldn't get into the class that I wanted..... Look for the date that is the last day for payment before classes are dropped. On the next, very next, day that you can register run down to Admissions and Records and sign...
  13. I have been accepeted

    It's always good to hear good news! Congrats! :kiss :balloons:
  14. Please forgive while I brag

    Don't ever be ashamed of your accomplishments! If you can't be proud of yourself, nobody can! I only hope I can be in your position a short time from now. You must have worked your tail off so a reward like this sure if worth the effort isn't it? C...
  15. Mother going to nursing school

    Hi....the greatest thing about this message board is that you know that you're not alone in your situation! I am 32 and have five children. The oldest is in 6th grade (12) and the youngest is 19 months. It has been quite a challenge for me because...
  16. New to the board. just saying "hello"

  17. Still Waiting!

    It is absolutely the hardest thing I have had to do except being 9 months pregnant, waiting to have the baby. I just finished my semester and I got a B in microbiology and a B in A&P. I am so relieved that this semester is over. Our selection c...
  18. I got my letter!!!

    What an absolute blessing!!!! It must be such a relief to finally get your acceptance! I am with Fatima and won't hear until the first week of June. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do..... I hate the waiting game!'re awesom...
  19. A&PII and microbiology?

    I am currently taking both of them right now and it isn't that bad at all. I never took biology and so I find that microbiology is a little more difficult than a&p but it isn't that bad. Since summer courses are more intense, I would make sure t...
  20. Entrance Exam Prep

    Have you gotten the practice tests that are available? They did help me to exactly see what previous exams were like. They are $10 each but worth the money!
  21. Need Help

    Just for the info...I would post this question on general nursing discussions or another one. Just not on student nursing since we all haven't had any "real" nursing experience. Good Luck!
  22. Entrance Exam Prep

    I took the NLN in January and found that it wasn't anything really that I could study for. Either you know it or you don't. We had 80 questions on vocabulary, 60 math and 80 science questions. I didn't too bad. 100 is passing and I got a 130. My ...
  23. Hi I'm new

    Good luck! Isn't it nice to know that we're all in the same boat? Just remember...patience is a virtue!
  24. Just Admit It!!!!!

    Okay....I might be weird but that is the one thing that I am entirely looking forward to. I am starting the program this fall and I cannot wait to learn how to stick 'em. At about what point in school do you learn to do this? I was thinking of ta...
  25. 2 science/lab classes in one semester?

    Well....about a million and one people told me that exact same thing and I didn't listen to them. I am glad I didn't too! I am in my second semester of A&P and I am also taking Microbiology and as you can see by my board name, I have FIVE child...