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All Content by Forevermomof5

  1. online program - Excelsior college & Rue ed

    Please don't take this wrong..... I'm not sure if it's just me but this whole online thing for nursing seems a bit strange. I can see if you already have your ADN and want to get your BS but getting your ADN online doesn't seem right. How can you ga...
  2. how many of you are mom's also

    Thank you, thank you. As I was reading this I was thinking that I should have my husband read them. I am not so abnormal after all. :chair: I have 5 kids (you could probably tell from my screen name!) and their ages are 12,11, 8, 6 and 2. My bab...
  3. Preadmission Exam for Nursing School

    Hey, I took the NLN exam last January before I even took A&P II and I scored a 130. At our school it counts for 3 points on our entrance application. It wasn't really all that hard, just choking up some info that I supposedly learned. I am sure...
  4. A & P blues! Will I ever pass?

    I just thought that I'd share a little comment. In our school you have to have 2 semesters of A & P before you even apply to the nursing program. I didn't realize until now how important it was because how much we use all that we learned on a d...
  5. I passed my fundamentals exam

    I was just wondering what your fundamentals exam was like. We have our first one next week and I'm not sure what to expect. Would you describe what your exam was on? Not that ours will be exactly alike or anything but maybe alittle insight. Thank...
  6. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    Hi....My name is Karen. I have been married for almost 14 years and I have five children: 12, boy; 11, boy; 8, girl; 5, boy; and last but not least my baby girl, 2 next month. I have been a student on and off for most of our marriage. Three quarter...
  7. Clinical uniform for school

    I can't believe that you guys get to wear color! No fair!!! We have to wear ALL white and the top has to be button up so we look more professional...okay whatever. Well we also have to wear hose, not socks, hose. I think we had this discussion bef...
  8. Hardest class in Nursing school?

    Hi!!! I took the same class with Beaming ( me if you get a chance!) and I thought the same thing. YUCK! I am sure glad that it's over but it was so much information in such a little period of time. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone - altho...
  9. waiting until the last minute...

    I haven't bought shoes yet either, but I have a question. Does anyone wear birkenstocks? I really love wearing them, but I am worried that if I get them they won't be as comfortable as I want them to be. Okay, now get this....our school requires u...
  10. I got an "A"!!!!!!!

    I just had to share my excitement! I just finished Pharmacology and got an "A"! A friend of mine totaled my points last week and told me that I could only make a "B" if I did well on the final. Well she was WRONG and I scored a 96 on the final and ...
  11. I was just wondering what everyone's fall schedule is like. In order to be accepted into our ADN program you need to have A&P I & II done, math, english and philosophy already done before you even apply. It's interesting to see that some ar...
  12. I had to get all those same things too, but we also needed a clipboard. So.... I got the coolest one. It has a calculator on the top and all kinds of nursing tips and stuff that I'll need to remember. I am more excited about that than anything els...
  13. When Do You Start School?

    Wow! You guys all start so early! We don't start until September 3rd. I guess that might be that we are just finishing up our summer classes on Wednesday. It'll be nice to have a couple weeks. As for me and posting...this is my zone out time afte...
  14. New students...what is your fall schedule like?

    hi has been a rough go this summer. I feel like I haven't even gotten on the internet in so long. I took Pharmacology this summer to make my load easier this fall. Well I wouldn't suggest it to anyone else. This was too much informat...
  15. When is your orientation?

    Yea!!! My orientation is tomorrow, the 18th. I am so excited! I've already started school so this just makes it that much more interesting. I'll let ya know how it goes......
  16. Let's get to know each other...again ;)

    I feel like I am always talking about my kids and family but here it goes again. I love to talk about those topics! I am 32 years old with five children ages 12, 11, 8, 5, and 21 months. I have 3 boys and 2 girls (they are #3 and #5). I have been ...
  17. How many semesters is your nursing program

    4 semesters here....but for the pre-reqs you can add on another 3-4 semesters, depending on how fast you go. Our program is an Associate's degree of nursing, so we will be RNs and not LPNs like bhppy. Thank goodness! I am in the first semester of th...
  18. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    Well we still didn't have to take a course with any of those names...thank goodness! Just another class to add to the long list of classes that I'd never remember much about anyways. Thanks...
  19. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    What is a "Life-Span" class? We never had to take one called that. Is it like psychology? I'd really like to know....thanks:specs:
  20. New here

  21. Nursing Program Interviews ?????

    We never had interviews to get into our program. Is that pretty normal? I would suggest wearing something professional, yet still you. I wouldn't wear something that you would never wear. Be yourself and they'll appreciate that but look neat, cle...
  22. Any other students with children in childcare?

    I have been a stay at home mom for over twelve years and to be honest, I feel a little guilty not socializing my kids more! They have all done fine once they were in school but just like we do, they need to get out too! I have to put my 21 month old...
  23. After Graduation, What Unit Would You Like To Work In???

    Well I love all your replies and I do certainly love children, but I think that I would like to work oncology or ICU. I really like to have patient and family contact and death doesn't scare me at all so I would like to show compassion for these type...
  24. SN inbetween 25 & 35 LOL we need a spot to

    I also wanted to put my two cents in!!! I am 32 and I have been married 13 1/2 years with 5 children. I have 3 boys ages 12, 11 and 5 and two girls ages 8 and 20 months. My husband is a police officer and has totally supported me going back to sch...
  25. Anyone regret getting those student loans?

    I have a question.... I do regret having my husband get student loans while he got his degree, but at the time we didn't have a choice. I'm sure that is usually the reason we get them. So if I have the opportunity to receive $2,000 a semester from a...