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About NurzofFaith

Graduated May 2002, and am loving my career choice!!

Latest Activity

  1. Greetings Missourians/lets get to know each other

    Name: Channa Location: Warrensburg...45 min outside KC Married to an Air Force man :) 3 kids ages 15, 12 and 9 RN for 2 years Speciality: CVICU and now CCU I worked in an awesome university setting...
  2. Marci, I live about 45-60 minutes from Kansas City, in a small college town Warrensburg Missouri, not sure if you have heard of it. Anyway I am considering a commute to the KC area and was wondering...
  3. I'm still a new nurse...been in the CVICU for 8 months now and am amazed at the stupidity of people. I also see the end results of thier actions more than I want to. For a couple months it seems all...
  4. Check out those veins!

    I'm Channa, a nursing student and I'm afraid I am becoming veins..LOL :) I will graduate in 5 weeks and since starting IVs in clinicals/skills lab I cannot help but look, I know I am...
  5. Do NLN exams really indicate how well one does on boards?

    I graduate in May and next week we will be devoting time to taking the NLN test also. The program I am in requires us to take the test, and score above 30%, if one scores any lower a remediation...