

Med-Surg/ ICU

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All Content by Sunshine0425

  1. Wow, lots of acceptance letters!!!!

    I just want to say congrats to all who got acceptance letters...It seems the last few days many on here have been getting theirs!!! Congrats and WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now send some of that my way;)
  2. Wow, lots of acceptance letters!!!!

    prayers and good luck dust to everyone!!!!! :lol2:
  3. Wow, lots of acceptance letters!!!!

    Hey Fun2Care: 10 days till mail out eh??? Good Luck my friend...wish mine was coming in 10...I should know by middle of May....Can't wait to hear about your acceptance;)
  4. Yessssssssssss!!!!!

    Yahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: That is wonderful!!!!
  5. It's 12:30 AM and I hate Micro!

    Hahahaha....I LOVE the above post....Especially the praying part, sometimes that's the only thing that keeps me sane!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. It's 12:30 AM and I hate Micro!

    :uhoh3: I am right there with ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED micro to be over with. I can never's always a quiz, or test that needs studying for. I will be SOOOO happy when this class is over.
  7. Didn't get a letter...........

    Congratulations!!!! I love hearing about all these acceptance letters and good news....SEND SOME MY WAY!!!!!
  8. I'm In!!

    Whooo Hooo!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: congratulations!!!
  9. What has been your fav prereq??

    Wow...I am amazed at how many love micro...I have to admit, I am liking it a tad more now. BUT to give you an example... three girls were crying after our last test:eek: I think I must have a hard prof, b/c this is by far the hardest class I have ...
  10. Highly Irritating!!!!

    Well, I guess the reason I am outraged, is b/c I have a friend who just met w/ an enrollment counselor and was told his credits wouldn't be accepted. Yeah, this does tick me off b/c I took these classes with him. As for studying I've already studie...
  11. Highly Irritating!!!!

    Would anyone else find this irritating? There is a nursing school here in town that is now stating that they won't accept any credits from the community college I am going to. A friend of mine is applying and is extremely upset b/c he worked so har...
  12. Highly Irritating!!!!

    The status of my schooling to answer your question is this: I have a previous BA from a private college, and have been taking pre req's including, A&P, developmental Psych., Nutrition, Micro, and College Algebra all at the community college. Al...
  13. Any Moms feel overwhelmed?!!?

    Just wanted to update everyone...Grades for our Micro test were just posted online, and I got an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so's our third test, and this is my first A. Thank you everyone for all your words of encouragement. In a month...
  14. Any Moms feel overwhelmed?!!?

    Ok...who else out there feels overwhelmed at times with the pressure of being in school and being a mom?? I may have bitten off more than I can chew this semester, but hey...I am determined(or stupid:uhoh21: ) Here I am taking a study break at 2 in t...
  15. I got my letter today!!!!!

    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome....:balloons: :balloons:
  16. Inspiration through competition

    Yep, I am definetely a competitive person!!! Maybe it comes from playing sports my whole life??!!? I would always practice harder and longer to beat the competition. Well, same goes for my grades, especially if I sit next to someone who always feel...
  17. Slu??

    Congrats on getting in for the fall!!! Yeah, I had talked to someone for the accelerated program, and she had said the cutoff was about 3.4. I am wondering if that is just for the classes that are going towards your BSN...b/c that would be great. ...
  18. Question...

    When applying for a program, do most schools want 1 year of exp in ICU/Critical Care at the time of applying, or entrance into the program?? I know some schools will vary, but overall what do you think??
  19. Any Additions that may help entrance???

    Have you started taking any prerequisites yet??? That would be the first thing, is try and get some classes taken and do well in them. Also, if you wanted to get your CNA and get some hands on experience...that would help too!! Try and check out t...
  20. hi from a newbie

    Hey Welcome to the board!!! I am currently applying for OLOLC accelerated, and if I don't get in for fall, will finish up some more pre req's this summer and apply for the BSN accelerated at SLU for Jan 07. I have an 18 month old, a great husband...
  21. Any Moms feel overwhelmed?!!?

    Thanks everyone for all your words of encouragement!!! I am at work this morning, having 2 hours of sleep last night...and even though I am super loopy this morning, I feel so good and confident for this test. It's amazing how good it feels to be p...
  22. Estimated study time A&P v. Micro

    For me it is just the opposite. In A&P I could get away with studying for maybe 5-8 hours for a test and Ace it with NO problem. At the time I thought it was excrutiating!! THEN I took Micro. To give an example...We have been on Spring Break ...
  23. MICRO freak out...

    wow, sounds like my prof...Actually it is good I ran across your post. I need to get my butt away from my laptop now and keep studying for our 3rd test on Monday...Keep plugging away, it will soon be over.
  24. WOOOOOT!!! Got my Letter Today!

    A HUGE congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!:balloons: :balloons: Way to go:biggringi
  25. OLOLC Accelerated Program??

    Currently I am taking Micro, Nutrition and College Algebra.