Peeps Mcarthur

Peeps Mcarthur

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All Content by Peeps Mcarthur

  1. In fact, I would not go back to the only semester of nursing I was in. If I knew then, what I know now, I would never have considered it an option. I worked alongside nurses as a respiratiory therapist for five years and thought I would know what ...
  2. What does this mean???

    By CCU Nurse While the patient flops around on the floor like a fish pounding his ripe melon every two seconds, check levels, wait on hold for the doc. Boy.........that's some good book learnin they got in that there fancy school of yours.:chuckl...
  3. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Twarlik, Looks like Geekgolightly has some support for the claim. It's a very wishy-washy policy though, don't you think? At least some nurses got together and thought this one up. To be accurate you would need special politicaly correct software s...
  4. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Agent My advice is to disregard what a nursing counselor or faculty member says. Talk directly to males in the nursing program you're considering. Contact them independent of the faculty to assure that they won't fear consequences for speaki...
  5. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    This thread is not off the topic for the intellectuals taking time for thoughtful rhetoric. The character in question goes deeper than the comical implications, both for the actor playing it and the audience. Anyhoo, Geeze, sorry Geekgolightly. I g...
  6. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Heeeeee'sss baaaaaack! Bt Marilyn The Blair Handbook is not making a supposition with the statement...... ..........It is stating it as a fact of standard writing. The very important point lost here is that the part of the quote that is impo...
  7. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Geekgolightly Thank you very much. I appreciate a mind that can recognize that. And thank you Marilyn. I just wanted to say that I probably won't have time this weekend to respond appropriately ( I just hate it when no one posts for days). ...
  8. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    All, I wanted to express that I'm not trying to be angry or mean. The tone of my posts sometimes give the wrong impression. I'm simply trying to use all those fancy-smancy argumentitive techniques I learned in English to make my points. This discus...
  9. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Geekgolightly It would only be incorrect in the case of nursing programs that claim neutrality of gender in the vocation. A generic "he" is used when a neutral gender is intended. The Blair Hanbook states, "If there is no doubt about the gen...
  10. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Marilyn, The above post about what the text communicated with the use of the incorrect but "right" pronoun "she" is what I meant. I wrote to Marilyn In this example, the text is speaking to the male nursing students that have yet to experience th...
  11. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Geekgolightly There is a distinction between being "right" (making sense) and being "correct" (proper grammar). It is clear that a great effort was made in editing such a text. When a professional writer presents his work to an editor, it has...
  12. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Geekgolightly I guess that you're inferring that the character had a hard time "fitting in". What is important to public opinnion about the subject is how the movie porytrayed the character. GI Jane was portrayed as courageous, driven to succe...
  13. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Marilyn, Ok, I just got done reading all your posts. I really appreciate that you took the time to communicate your point and had some data to go along with it. Good posts. You said: I can say with all sincerity that I know exactly how that feels...
  14. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Twarlik That's great Twarlik. It's good to see that someone at your school at least seems to care about that issue. At my school, which I attended last year, the proper pronoun "he" was not used. As a result, the instructors used "she" when...
  15. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Marilyn That's a very serious accusation on this board. Calling someone an idiot, although it happends ocassionaly when someone lets thier emotions get out of hand, would be cause for editing or removing a post altogether. As you can imagine,...
  16. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Marylin, You said, Like what? I've been gone for a year and maybe I'm just out of touch, or I never was in touch. I didn't notice any sincere attempts to understand why men seem to be avoiding the vocation in droves. I also haven't seen a pa...
  17. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    Marilyn, You don't need support from your peer group because you have no such doctrine as a female. A woman that has placed herself in a job traditionaly filled by a man would be descibed as corageous, driven, and of great character. A woman in tho...
  18. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Twarlik Yes, good point about male hairdressers being stereotyped. I also thought of male interior designers. This is a good snippet of your post to show my point. If you removed the stereotype of the male hairdresser being a homosexual, thos...
  19. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Twarlik Schroeder's character was a great portrayal of a nurse that happens to be male, although his character wasn't around long because it wasn't very funny. I had forgotten about "Meet the Parents". Ben Stiller's character was ridiculed, mu...
  20. Dear Nurse Manager

    I wrote a resignation letter like that once. It had plenty of bitterness in it.............Hell, I was bitter about being used. I wrote it as my 2 week notice because I intended for them to feel uncomfortable, and think about what they had done (or...
  21. Student nurse Jack MacFarland... Discuss

    By Pjmommy Although I do love that character and that show, I think this is a very good point. Of course it's ok to enjoy the show and take it for what it is; just a sitcom. The bigger picture here, and perhapse more disturbing, is that a major...
  22. pay scale- why so hush hush??

    By Angus I know what you are saying, but "negotiations" are used at the end of the process. When they are ready to negotiate, it will be specific and it will be to get you. Negotiations require comprimise. There should be no compromise in an o...
  23. Let the controversy begin.

    Bottlenecking ER and the war on terrorism in Iraq are both social, and socio-economic pathogens that affect our societal structure. They share a common etiology.
  24. pay scale- why so hush hush??

    Why don't y'all use some of that fancy-smancy communication technique:) Understand what the potential employer's apprehension is all about...........privacy. So before you would begin a personal dialogue, you have to put the interviewer at ease and...
  25. Let the controversy begin.

    By Ohmom We have children starving every day and we are going in debt as a country to give to others who would just as soon blow our face off than to thank us........ I think this would sum it up nicely. If the people we are saving from the evil ...