Peeps Mcarthur

Peeps Mcarthur

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All Content by Peeps Mcarthur

  1. Status

    By ADRN're afraid of becoming a glorified coffee fetcher? Or is it just that you have no desire to serve mankind with more sacrifice? You've given enough of your time to learning academicly and you'll just have to let someone...
  2. Status

    By ADRN No. By myself This is the thesis of my post. I think people that talk about how corrupt money and power are, are afraid to fail in reaching it. I've gone to nursing school and been on this board for 4 years. That's what I'm doing po...
  3. Status

    Don't know what the negative aspects of money,prestige and power would be but i'm positive I don't want to be anything like mother theresa either. I'm kind to people an all, but there's only so much kindness you can bestow on someone before it starts...
  4. Pulse Ox - It's More Exciting Than It Sounds

    By Suemom2k You will see some dramatic blood pressures in lab also due to sympathetic nervous system response. Just always keep in mind how innacurate a pulse oximeter can be. It is very easy to get all comfy with the ease by which "results" can...
  5. Had the same type of crap from my wife when I started back to school and was only working 30 hours a week and only taking 10 credits. I said if she would help me with studying, I would help with everything else. When I studied at 10 pm after work and...
  6. micro

    The difficult part of micro for me was the lab quizzes. The procedures, what stain when, on what, how...........why. I had enough points in either to not be required to take the final to get an "A" though. I'm taking biology II now and have an exam ...
  7. Incomptetnt instructors (a rant)

    By Zenman I'm not sure what "reductionistic approach" means. I can't find the term in Webster's nor Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary. If you meant to quote me as saying that the psychosocial approach makes up alot of what it
  8. Incomptetnt instructors (a rant)

    NP2BE, I sent you a PM in response.
  9. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    By Passingthru According to the American Diabetes Association (which is quoted by in the link I provided) it is a symptom. If everyone with the disease does not show the same symptoms they are not "classic" or reliable are they? Th...
  10. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    How rare? Quote a source. Did you follow the link? It's some REAL medicine. How about Stien-Leventhal syndrome? Pancreatic cancer? Very, very rare..............even just very rare...........heck, just rare missed diagnosis can make the patient very,...
  11. Incomptetnt instructors (a rant)

    :chuckle Exactly Navynurse! I questioned about half the answers in any given exam as to the validity of one aswer over another very similar one. I almost always heard, "that's the "abstract" part of nursing theory. You must be able to conceptual...
  12. Incomptetnt instructors (a rant)

    Np2be, It's a good policy not to challenge instructors I guess. Just reading the materials that they gave us made me mad enough to throw them:( across the room. The mention of anything medical will get them on the defensive as well. This will be ...
  13. Incomptetnt instructors (a rant)

    By Np2be One of the reasons I gave up on nursing classes is the general attitude that medical facts are not important as long as the psychosocial reasoning is. Next time ANYONE that calls themselves a health professional gives you this kind of in...
  14. How do you diagnose diabetes? Anyone interested in medical diagnosis should follow the link. It's just some site I clicked on. I don't know if they are a reliable source yet, but it sounds right. Anyone know the credibility of the sour...
  15. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    Psych, My bad. I thought because you quoted my post that you were rebutting it.
  16. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    By Passingthru What symptoms exclude all other diagnosis? These symptoms could easily be edocrine of another etiology. For instance..............what do you think the chief complaints would be from a patient experiencing a sharp decline in...
  17. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    By Psychrn03 I disagree. Regardless of the time of onset, a proper diagnosis must be made. A trend of blood sugar levels is used to assess the efficacy of treatment/pt compliance. It's not appropriate at the onset of symptoms. Only a fasting l...
  18. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    Couldn't I produce a 300 on a finger stick without symptoms? I think a fasting sugar would have to be obtained. As for the HBa1C, it's my understanding that test would only be useful for management of type I and II diabetes. As for polyuria, polydip...
  19. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    By Barbpick The reason she is not thirsty is because her plasma is not hyperosmolar. Thirst, or lack therof, is a measure of compartmental fluid balance. If she lost her thirst mechanism by ignoring it she would die from dehydration 2nd to apat...
  20. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    Look up diabetes insipidus AND diabetes mellitis. The patient that presents with insulin deficiency is mellitus. Good direction to go in but useless to you without the bookwork.
  21. opinion--no carb diet

    By Sbic56 Quite right....................unless they are trying to make a statement about efficacy/safety of the low carbohydrate type diet as if they are a credible source. Especially in a conversation with a person that assumes that the scient...
  22. opinion--no carb diet

    It seems that the posters that think low-carb is viable have actual numerical data such as pre and post total cholesterol. The posters that think low-carb is a bad idea seem to have only subjective opinnions about it. Certainly, if you are going to...
  23. nursing school or med school?

    LauraLou, Good examples. I wanted to continue to contrast nursing and PA as the respectively relate to medicine by dissecting your post. By LauraLou This is clearly the point that separates nursing from medicine. This is the characteristic that ...
  24. nursing school or med school?

    I gotta chime in on this one. I don't like quoting an entire post but I think bigmona and any other person that likes the medical model (even if they don't know what it is yet) should use it as food for thought. By RNkittykat Nursing could never ...
  25. Well it finally happened

    Tom, Geeze, sorry I missed this thread completely. I haven't been gittin around here much lately. Anyhoo, I just wanted to say that I'm glad the tests were negative and you can get on with your life again. I know what an anxiety attack it was for y...