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All Content by MsBruiser

  1. What have you done without a Dr. order?

    When it comes to meds, labs, tests - no order, no action. Commonsense tasks such as turning up 02 - sure, why not? The docs are not your buddies. All it takes is one MD to say "nope, I never ordered that" and you/your license are toast. Even an ABG. ...
  2. Patients talking politics to me...

    I had a patient today say "Obama ****** on the constitution...he doesn't know this is a Christian nation." That is a connection I can do without...
  3. Patients talking politics to me...

    What about saying a generic "I hear you"? Not agreeing but it shows you are listening...
  4. Patients talking politics to me...

    Very mature and wise response. I just can't do it! But I can't argue with your logic...
  5. Can you live a luxury lifestyle as a nurse?

    Ok...I just want to add that no you don't need to be an MD or be married to one to have the "luxury" lifestyle outlined. My spouse earns more money than me - but not that much more - and we are able to live in a nice house, travel outside the US twic...
  6. Can you live a luxury lifestyle as a nurse?

    Well - according to your criteria for luxury I would say maybe. Depends on how much overtime you work (could never do that on straight time), your comfort with debt (will probably need a big car loan) and are you married to someone who makes more mon...
  7. Seriously...more supply than demand?

    If you would take your "unionists blinders" off you would realize this isn't political...
  8. Seriously...more supply than demand?

    What's a "unionists blinders?" Obama became president about 20 months ago. All those multitudes of future nurses are probably still working on their pre-reqs.
  9. Seriously...more supply than demand?

    Obama's fault??? Lordy lordy...
  10. Which comes first: PACU or ICU?

    ICU first. It is very, very difficult - especially in this economy - to get a PACU job right out of school. Very few nurses on my unit have managed to circumvent ICU. And they definitely struggle. One year in ICU should do the trick for PACU, the bes...
  11. Healthcare Workers Satisfaction

    It really depends on the person. Healthcare workers tend to be kind of grumpy, IMHO. Nurses a bit grumpier than most. But for every grumpy person you can find someone who radiates joy and enthusiasm. Go with your passion.
  12. Biggest Misconception about nurses you've heard

    ..that people think you are stupid.
  13. New nurse moving to Thailand

    Chiang mai is my favorite city in Thailand. Awesome place. Lots of wealthy Westerners live there. You may find something off the books. Employment in local medical facilities though? Impossible. Need to speak Thai and be licensed in Thailand.
  14. Is nursing really THAT bad?

    Feel free to shoot me a PM. Yes, I left a fairly well-paid business career to become a nurse. Would I ever go back? Probably not - the thought of working a corporate job again makes me cringe. Is nursing perfect? No. Upsides: amazing schedule (hospit...
  15. I didn't realize I was underpaid. After pre-reqs, took a 14-month accelerated program. Make almost $80,000 a year averaging a 43 hour week (RN for less than 3 years). Nurses are very well-paid given the basic level of education provided. Also helps t...
  16. I am lucky...but I'm still very disappointed ::sighs::

    It's all good. Don't give up. Especially when (and yes, WHEN) the economy picks up, hospitals will once again be a lot less choosey. There is nothing wrong with working where you are and applying elsewhere. And a little secret - even when you transfe...
  17. Master's in nursing with low GPA of 2.4

    University of Phoenix? They'd let you in even if you couldn't fog a mirror...
  18. I am lucky...but I'm still very disappointed ::sighs::

    Truth be told. No. While there is a unifying nursing process that theoretically binds all nurses across all disciplines, hospital work is hospital work is hospital work. Unfortunately, you would need virtually the same amount of training as a new gra...
  19. No nursing jobs in 2012 ???

    Patients often try and engage me in a conversation that goes as follows: a) Socialized medicine is evil (they are mostly on medicare or retired federal employees who bring this up - go figure); b) Obama is a socialist. So I tell them the following: ...
  20. Need honest opinion. Best area for new grad to start

    In nursing school they sent me to an outpatient surgery center to start IVs. I had a chance to do 7 in a day. I missed 6. SIX IN A ROW. Now I can do them. The mechanical skills of nursing will come with time and practice. Try and develop (instead) th...
  21. scared i'm going to lose my license..

    What possible encouragement could I give? That job sounds like a bloody nightmare. If you think your license is in jeopordy it probably is. Do what you have to do to make money if you must. But I don't think a virtual "hug" on this website is really ...
  22. Not a New Grad anymore?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Sounds like a cliche but it is true. I have almost 3 years experience now and I look back to just one year ago (when I had two years experience = technically not a new grad) and I feel like I am so much more competent right now. That ...
  23. Nurses' Spiritual Lives

    This job has made me into a raging atheist. The sheer amount of waste and human suffering does not equate into belief in a "higher power." Different strokes for different folks.
  24. Need honest opinion. Best area for new grad to start

    I am going to put my neck out. Go for the area that you want to work in - but take any job you can get (given the economy). I have never worked Med-Surg nor have I ever wanted to nor did I ever not gain some mythical set of organizational skills by f...
  25. Happier With Your Second Career?

    1.What was career #1? Business consultant 2.Are you happier with nursing as a career than you were with career #1? Absolutely3.Did you get into nursing because you had a dead end job? Because you were unhappy with career #1 (although you had a good j...