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About sassysapphire916

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  1. CUNY Lehman College?

    I do not believe it is welfare. I was not handed anything to get into the program and got in by my own merits. I have a 3.5 gpa and am very proud of that. And I do not get any fianacial aid, all out...
  2. Anyone Knows lehman College???

    I do not believe it is welfare. I was not handed anything to get into the program and got in by my own merits. I have a 3.5 gpa and am very proud of that. And I do not get any fianacial aid, all out...
  3. Anyone Knows lehman College???

    I am glad to see I am not the only one that feels thatthe CUNY staff needs a refresher course on professionalism, customer service, and courtesy. I have visited other colleges nd the service was...
  4. Anyone Knows lehman College???

    I attended Lehman College and do not recommend you go there. I find that with all the CUNY schools the professors make it very difficult for obvious reasons, but some more than others. I have had a...
  5. CUNY Lehman College?

    I attended Lehman College and do not recommend you go there. I find that with all the CUNY schools the professors make it very difficult for obvious reasons, but some more than others. I have had a...
  6. C.U.N.Y. Nursing Students (Spring ' 06)

  7. C.U.N.Y. Nursing Students (Spring ' 06)

    I went to Lehman. Just type in my user name on this forum and you can read all the "Nice" things I wrote about them. You will soon learn like I did that I should have gone to another school like...
  8. The CUNY Nursing School Survey

    I attended Lehman College and do not recommend you go there. I find that with all the CUNY schools the professors make it very difficult for obvious reasons, but some more than others. I have had a...
  9. What would be the estimated starting salary in Flordia?

    That is beautiful. In the hospital for which I am interning I have 7-10 patients depending on the season. During winter our unit census is high because many kids are admitted with RSV,...
  10. Applying for a license in Florida

    Thank you for your response. Do I have to take any additional exams once I file the application
  11. Applying for a license in Florida

    Hello Everyone, I just finished nursing school (Dec 05')and have my BS in nursing. I have not yet taken the NCLEX exam for New York, but I plan on it before I move to Florida this summer. I read on...
  12. nursing in florida

    Oh God! You are all depressing me lol I just graduated from nursing school in NY and purchased a house in New Tampa few months ago. I am studying for my boards and have been working as a nurse...
  13. What would be the estimated starting salary in Flordia?

    I know. I am moving there this summer and have been investigating this. They also have no
  14. Anyone nervous as heck about school and clinicals?

    I just graduated nursing school (BS in Nursing). I know exactly how all of you feel. My best advice is to stick with it and like the saying goes...this too shall pass. I cannot even believe that I am...