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About dobieam

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  1. Congratulations 🎉 everybody but me n my co worker didn't get accepted but it's OK I'm not even mad cause I really wanted the flex in January God is so good
  2. Puree I thought u said it was acceptance letter for the school but I never received anything yet
  3. Not nothing
  4. Nope never heard of pulse app n purvee u just got accepted to the college
  5. me n my coworker still waiting I check plan of study like as if I was registering still nothing but congratulations u guys I really want the flex my co worker check hers and still nothing she said u went to self service n plan study right
  6. Check my email n mailbox ain't seen nothing yet
  7. Yayyyyy just the waiting game either way I'm ready
  8. Just read a email from 3 days ago saying that they received it I should know something by June 14 so waiting anxiously
  9. man I pray we in that number fingers crossed is you on fb
  10. No I don't and wish u the best of luck also hopefully I'll get in in August but if not January will be fine too when did u send your letter back cause I know it had to be returned before may 9 Yes Thursday may 9 I don't know how long will it ta...
  11. No I don't and wish u the best of luck also hopefully I'll get in in August but if not January will be fine too when did u send your letter back cause I know it had to be returned before may 9
  12. im waiting on acceptance letter