

Patient Transport/Nurse Assistant

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About ahendo

ahendo specializes in Patient Transport/Nurse Assistant.

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  1. Oh! I had no idea, but that makes a lot of sense as to why they'd want us to check back. Thanks for looking into that! I hope I get off the waitlist.
  2. No I haven't heard this. They just told me to check back in may which I thought was bizarre because usually they notify YOU if you're off the list or the waitlist simply closes when the program starts and all seats are filled because they take ppl of...
  3. Me, I am! LOL help
  4. Hey Sarah, I wondered if I could get your opinion on something. Since my application, I've been doing things to strengthen my candidacy and my knowledge of the nursing field in general. Recently I became a CNA and an OR assistant. It is definite...
  5. Okay, I'm posting some questions that I think we could be getting, and I'm down to discuss tomorrow, too. I'll be on there tomorrow while I'm at the laundromat, multitasking haha
  6. OK so I figured the best way to do this would be to set up a discord so we can discuss! here's the link: https://discord.gg/EjkBqnrB Let me know if it works for y'all : D
  7. Hi! I'm wondering if anyone would want to practice interview questions or get together virtually somehow to pool our thoughts on what to wear or to expect! I've got a hefty list of questions I think they may ask and I'd love to get a little gro...