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  1. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I figured! I didn't get an offer. Did anyone get an offer? If so, congratulations!! If not, does anyone plan on applying again for the June fellowships?
  2. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I assume were all in the same boat LOL. Considering it starts soon I feel like they may have already contacted the individuals they selected
  3. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I assume were all in the same boat and haven't heard anything? Sooo will anyone be applying again for the June one
  4. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    No updates yet..
  5. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Its hard to say honestly because I don't have experience ? Mainly them explaining the fellowship, a few repeat questions of the Online interview
  6. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

  7. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I was told they have interviews into next week and then are making decisions after
  8. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Congrats to you and good luck!! We got this
  9. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Yes I heard back and scheduled an in person interview. I'll keep you updated
  10. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I completed the virtual interview. Havent heard back now though
  11. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    No I have not
  12. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Interesting Well good luck to you! Keep us updated!! I will also if I hear anything ? Im sure you did great
  13. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Would love to know if anyone has any updates on their application status for 2024 fellowships
  14. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    Thank you for the info. What kind of questions were asked during the online interview and in person? Good luck to you by the way ?
  15. 2024 Northwell Fellowships

    I did but I havent heard anything