rose amato

rose amato

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About rose amato

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  1. University of Miami (UM) CRNA 2025

    I got rejected as well. 3.6 GPA, CCRN, 5 years ICU experience! Not sure what's up with Miami. GO NOLES
  2. University of Miami (UM) CRNA 2025

    Yes! She's the assistant director I believe. And it was a male with white hair I cannot remember his name. I was told they're accepting 40 students this year and there were hundreds of applicants this year. The most that they've had any of the ...
  3. University of Miami (UM) CRNA 2025

    Just had my interview. Not feeling great but not feeling terrible. They definitely are intense, but nice. stats: Overall GPA 3.35 science GPA: 3.30 CCRN, 5 years ICU experience medical trauma surgical ICU
  4. University of Miami (UM) CRNA 2025

    I got an interview!!
  5. University of Miami (UM) CRNA 2025

    Hi, did anyone not get a cane link? I received the email a while ago stating that I would get the login credentials but never received that follow up email,