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  1. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    Nobody is in limbo; they are all aware people are applying to other places. Hold essentially means they are still making decisions with interview waves. I would treat it like a rejection and move on. If you get an acceptance later on that's great, bu...
  2. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    You can see all of this for every school on the COA website
  3. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    You won't know any of that for at least a year or more into school LOL
  4. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    I was accepted within 24 hours a couple years ago. It 100% helps to be interviewed early, slots are depleted rapidly.
  5. Do you think I Can get into CRNA School?

    Maybe. You are on the bottom of the pole experience wise and applying to ONE school limits your chances. You need to apply to more and be willing to move if you want the highest shot.
  6. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    If you say this, you better be willing to move to Colorado halfway through the program. You will be expected to come back to campus every so often as well
  7. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    I know nothing about this. It's not really something you focus on as a student when you are in LOL. Other things on your mind.
  8. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    I am not faculty, I will let you come to your own conclusion. But if you do put it down as a preference, expect to go there.
  9. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    As of now, you can choose if you want to do all your clinicals in CO (unless they can't find a certain rotation you need). For the sites in IL, WI or IN you don't really pick, you get assigned. The expectation is that you will be able to rotate to th...
  10. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    Many people going to CO, don't live there (this might be different for future classes). They moved there during the program for clinical. Some people even moved twice (once to IL, then to CO).
  11. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    They vary but if Colorado is a top 1-2 preference, you will likely go there for a least a rotation. The expectation is for all students besides those going the whole time in CO to be able to rotate to sites in WI, IL and IN.
  12. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    If you put Colorado as a top or 2nd preference, EXPECT to go there for at least 3 months. Some people go there the whole time. You will have at least one distance rotation (I.e. will need to live near the hospital temporarily). You assigned your...
  13. Rosalind Franklin University CRNA 2024

    I will be on the interview panel for you guys, good luck its a great school!