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  1. I got accepted for the in person Gainesville program! Congratulations everyone !
  2. What forum is that? Also.. WHYYY did they keep pushing it back?! 😩
  3. Oh!! Okay, good to know. I applied for in person so I think the clinicals are different. still no official acceptance/rejection letter though. I was antsy, now I'm just over it. 😂
  4. What program did you apply for? Online or in person?
  5. has anyone gotten anything yet? I know it's after close of business. Ughh.
  6. Nope... not yet.. hopefully they actually send them out today.
  7. Yes!! I saw that. I wonder why they pushed it back so far. I just got an email yesterday saying they were on track for Friday still. Super weird how it changed last minute.
  8. Not sure if everyone did but I got a message stating they are on track for emails being sent out on the 15th! Getting super antsy!
  9. @angeldust99 I work as a PCT at a hospital as well. However, I'm in float pool so I really enjoy it. I get to choose which floors I work on so I pick the ones I enjoy most of the time! I'm sorry you had such a bad experience though.
  10. @angeldust99 that's why I chose the in person program as well. Luckily my job has a student program where I keep all my benefits but only am required to work 12 hours a pay cycle. I wanted to keep the weekends semi open to do fun stuff with my kiddo.
  11. @CajunRNstudent I applied to the in person Gainesville program.
  12. @angeldust99 that's not a lot of people. The wait is stressful haha.
  13. Do you know when we are supposed to be notified on if we have been accepted or not?
  14. I applied for the in person Gainesville campus program. I got a 72 on my TEAS, and an extra 8 points for a total of 80. I decided to apply last minute, and am super worried about my TEAS score since I only had 1 day to study for it.