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About MeddiMam22

MeddiMam22 has 6 years experience.

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  1. Ohio University PMHNP Fall 23

    Hi Sam, how has your experience been so far?
  2. NP School Advice

    How helpful would you say the professors were and did you use any outside resources during the program to practice answering questions? And thanks for answering!
  3. NP School Advice

    Hi @Willowdean, this is good to know. Do you have an exam cut-off score that needs to be met per exam, or are you required to just maintain that overall 3.0? Are there any on-campus requirements?
  4. NP School ?

    Hello, is anyone willing to share their experience in an NP cert program? Which programs would recommend or not recommend? What were classes like?
  5. Online NP Programs

    Anyone willing to share their experience and recommend online NP certification programs? What were classes like? Did you have an exam score cut off, or was it to maintain an overall 3.0 GPA?
  6. Online NP Programs

    Interested in your experience at Drexel's NP cert program. Can't personal message you. Please let me know if you're willing to chat @RNbannanie!