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  1. I think we only need to submit official transcripts by October 2nd when we get admitted to the university. I believe that they process university admissions within two weeks of submitting the Cal...
  2. I don't think you need a bilingual proficiency test when applying for the BSN program. I think you only need someone to fill out the bilingual proficiency
  3. CSU Stanislaus BSN Program Spring 2023

    Have you taken the
  4. CSU Stanislaus BSN Program Spring 2023

    That's my goal, but I was reading about their nursing program and they only accept 30 students per term, which makes it
  5. CSU Stanislaus BSN Program Spring 2023

    hey guys, I'm also interested in applying to stan state and sac state. does anyone have suggestions on which one is better, in terms of the nursing