Annaiya NP


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All Content by Annaiya

  1. I would highly recommend getting a job where you are working with kids. Getting used to the age differences and how to exam them is a huge part of being a PNP. Most clinics don't use RNs as far as I know, but if you want less acute kids, home health...
  2. Annaiya

    HELP with nursing dx!

    Personally I think you're stressing way too much about this. I think either diagnosis would be fine and fits the situation. The big question is what are you going to do during clinical to get this man better and home to his family:)
  3. Annaiya

    Vital Signs Test

    Try doing a search there was a really good thread a while ago on taking blood pressures. I actually find it easier to find the pulse with the bell of the stethoscope, but if you do it that way remember not to press too hard or you turn it into a diap...
  4. Annaiya

    Too much time on her hands? I think so.

    You seem really paranoid of your coworkers. I agree with the other posters that she was likely just trying to make conversation and a connection with the "new person." It can be hard to get to know new people and given how closely we need to work t...
  5. Annaiya

    Negative Feedback from GN Interview - HELP!!!

    I too came to nursing after a career in law/business. My mom has been in HR for 35 years, I stopped taking her advice for interviewing, because she doesn't understand how different it is interviewing as a nurse. I have gotten an offer for ever nurs...
  6. Nursing is tiring at any age, but I do think it gets easier with experience. 1 year is only enough time to sort of get your feet under you. I found by 3 years, I had so much that I could do with very little effort, because I'd done it so many times...
  7. Annaiya

    ICU Nurse needs advice

    Why did you apply to the ICU to begin with? Maybe focus on the parts you're interested in and why you are there. Also, they often give you the sickest patients during orientation, so you can get used to it and then once you're off orientation, they ...
  8. I realize this is a forum, however, your post is very poorly written. You need good writing skills to become an NP. It is not just clinical skills that matter. I would strongly suggest you get a BSN, so you have the full curriculum that goes with ...
  9. Annaiya

    How much RN experience should I have?

    If you're mostly interested in primary care, your hospital experience won't do much for you. So I agree with the others who say apply when you're ready. If you're worried about getting a job after you graduate, that is much more dependent on how yo...
  10. Annaiya

    Taking leave from the field for a while....A mistake?

    I think it may be easier to find a PRN PNP job, because there are so many sick visits every day, that it can be nice to have someone pick up the slack in the busy times and you don't need to be their main primary care provider for that. The primary ...
  11. Annaiya

    Am I Missing Something?

    One thing to keep in mind when criticizing other's work is you don't know what the patient looked like when they went to see them, and you don't know what the patient's told them. What they tell you about it could be far from the truth. If someone ...
  12. Annaiya

    Medical University of SC vs. University of Arizona

    I attended MUSC for my BSN and they are a great school. Every program will have group projects and a heavy work load, I think that goes without saying, lol.
  13. Annaiya

    Cover Letters. Neccesary or waste of time?

    I agree that you should always submit a cover letter. I do not repeat what I have in my resume, but rather use it as a way to sell myself and highlight my qualities that make me stand out that aren't conveyed in my resume. I talk about my personali...
  14. Annaiya

    Was your NP Program Good?

    I went to UAB, and I thought it was a good program. For any program out there, you will get out of it what you put into it. No one can read those books for you, lol. And I don't think anyone comes out of school feeling what you are describing, i.e...
  15. Annaiya

    PA-C thinking of an APRN degree

    There are also accelerated BSN programs that are only 12 months long. With your background, I think the BSN part of your education would be very easy. It would take a while to get used to NCLEX style questions, but I would think there would be very...
  16. Annaiya

    Thinking about NP school

    I think your best bet is to contact some of the programs you are interested in and see what they have to say about your experience. It may vary a lot between programs. Good luck!
  17. Annaiya

    Have I done all my research?

    I was a lawyer before deciding I wanted to be a nurse, so I definitely know what it's like to get all of the questions from people that don't understand the need to be a nurse! I continued to work full-time while I took the pre-reqs for nursing. I ...
  18. Annaiya

    "Why didn't you go to medical school?"

    The offense is in the fact that it tries to create a hierarchy among the roles when there should be none. Every member of the health care team is important and the structure needs to reflect a team environment, not a top-down environment. Just as B...
  19. Annaiya

    Where Does the Bedside Nursing Go?

    If you enjoy the bedside so much, why bother going the NP route? NP school is a ton of work and expensive. If you're happy at the bedside, then I'd say just do that until you need a change. 5 years from now you may feel differently about it.
  20. Annaiya

    how important is GPA?! in Accelerated BSN now

    If you don't have at least a 3.0, I thinks lot of NP schools will not consider you. Not to say you'll never get in but it will likely take longer. Keep in mind it isn't just a matter of meeting the minimum admission criteria, but your application ha...
  21. Annaiya

    "Why didn't you go to medical school?"

    If someone doesn't know what an NP is, they aren't going to understand what a PA is. There are a lot more NPs than the are PAs. So that answer isn't likely to explain the role to them very well.
  22. Annaiya

    "Why didn't you go to medical school?"

    I would never use the term mid-level provider. I find it demeaning. A lot of these answers do not paint a strong image of our progression, but rather make it sound like a role for people who are lazy and cheap. I have never had a patient ask me why I...
  23. Annaiya

    Advice on education path

    If a job like what you described exists, I would think it would be at the RN level not the NP level. Keep in mind that NPs have to bill for their services and what you are describing is not diagnosing and treating. If you wanted to do just the psycho...
  24. Annaiya

    The Insanity That Is APA in Nursing School

    APA is by no means difficult and I always saw it as a representation of the ability of the person writing the paper. Can you read and follow detailed instructions? That's a pretty big component of nursing so I do think it translates into your everyd...
  25. Annaiya

    What was your first NP job?

    I would also suggest having a set response for when you are asked salary requirements. You don't want to price yourself out of an opportunity. What salaries are your classmates getting? I've never heard of a new grad getting $110k in primary care. I ...