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All Content by alibaba3

  1. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    During their info session they were really clear that as long as you were close, still apply! They said if you were off by a hundred or more, then it might be an issue, but you'll be fine! 🙂 I did wonder if they looked "down" on mat leaves. I'm ju...
  2. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    It's felt like an eternity since applying in November- it's really too bad they don't give us an estimated timeline. I'd really love to plan my life! Anyone else out there applying with young kids? I don't know if I'm totally insane for wanting to do...
  3. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    It's tomorrow at noon! Thanks for asking UBC- I agree it's awkward to ask again 😩. Let me know if you need the link to the info session!
  4. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I think all the programs are bit disorganized from what I've heard, though I think this program will be a bit more so. I think I'll apply as a back up but probably not unless my other options don't pan out! I'm not excited about having to do another ...
  5. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    Yeah, I've basically limited myself to one check per day. I am planning on being out of town the last week of February/first week of March so I'm hoping to hear soon so I know if I have to rearrange my plans! And I'm still not clear i...
  6. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I also did a deep dive and found some info from last year on UVic: they didn't do interviews. The status of their applications changed to "recommended by department" before they received a conditional acceptance in March I believe, but it sounds like...
  7. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I just forward it to you Rimlak ☺️
  8. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I just sent it. I also realised I misread your email from them earlier and stats was on the list!! Whoops. I didn't. I did some of the rural/remote program with them and found their methods of teaching rather lacking- plus driving up to PG fr...
  9. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    Most recent update from TRU!
  10. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I'm trying to put off the statistics prerequisite for UVic as long as possible (I.e. won't do it unless I'm accepted). It's hard to swallow the $1000 athabasca bill for a course that I've heard isn't very helpful. Has anyone started the stats course?
  11. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    They literally sent me different info two weeks ago 🤦🏼‍♀️ They previously said they had a stats prerec too. So maybe take their guidelines with a grain of salt at this point?
  12. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    That's what mine says, and has said since I submitted in November. It looks like from previous years that UVic may just update their statuses on the applications portal instead of sending out emails.
  13. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I've been obsessively refreshing my email every 5 minutes 😬 no news yet! And not sure about UVic. looking back ubc seems to have sent out emails several weeks before invitations to interview... I don't know if my heart can handle a few more...
  14. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    I'm sorry. That's crappy! Did you apply elsewhere? and I know that it can't hurt to apply multiple times, but I think it just depends year to year what their cut off is. I hope you apply again and get in!
  15. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    Crap. I'm so sorry. That really sucks. Thanks for letting us know. Good to know my anxiety has some end date attached to it. Best of luck with UVic! Keep us updated 🙂
  16. 2023 Applications to UBC and UVic NP program

    Nice to hear from someone else who understands the anticipation! Looking back at previous years it sounds like UVic actually might work a bit faster, so we may hear by the end of the month about interviews! I also heard back that TRU is still hoping ...