

Critical Care

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About QuikSilver

QuikSilver has 5 years experience and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Samuel Merritt University App CRNA 2023

    Not official, I got it off the CRNA schoolfinder spreadsheet for 2022. They compile information about every CRNA school and put it on a spreadsheet. I paid I think $8 for this. So it better be near accurate. LOL
  2. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Thank you, I love that you recommended quality relaxation before starting school. I won't have the luxury of free time very soon. I realized that your suggestions on how to study on boring/difficult topics is excellent too. That was how I studied for...
  3. Misdemeanor Arrest - can I be hired?

    Call your BON, maybe as an anonymous person, see what they say? Hear it from the horses mouth.
  4. Officially a CRNA! Ask me anything!

    Hi Shanneliz, I got accepted into one of the SRNA programs starting June 2023. I feel like a freshman all over again. I worry about getting PIMP'd and not being prepared to answer the shotgun questioning in clinical. I worry about being really b...
  5. Samuel Merritt University App CRNA 2023

    Last years 2021 or 2022 Samuel Merritt application cycle had: 107 applicants, 60 interviews, and a class size of 28 students. So about a 26% acceptance rate. Good luck to everybody. My random thought is that it is four days of interview with 60 inter...
  6. Samuel Merritt University App CRNA 2023

    When are the tentative interview dates?
  7. USAGPAN 2023

    Hello, I'm a long time lurker on these forums. Between now and starting USAGPAN what are you guys doing while waiting? Anyone planning on researching moving, basics of anesthesia or planning a last hurrah trip?