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All Content by Maria30

  1. They are accredited by middlestate, if they were not accredited, you would not be able to apply for financial aid.
  2. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Talking about fees u have to pay for your case, cant say the word cause it gets blocked
  3. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    I think thats a great idea, remember get all your evidence and documents together so u can show proof of classes, clinicals and payments and any travel expenses
  4. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    I understand, but I think your fixated on JC cause u went there, there not the only school. And that's the least of problem. The problem is NYBON. U did the same thing they all did, transfered to a florida school no difference really. It's better ...
  5. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Yes I understand that. But FL don't care what schools do to students. There have been so many fl schools in the news due to students being treated unfair. Honestly must nursing boards don't care or state governments
  6. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Really, Florida? With all there scam schools. Florida is know for scamming students and schools shutting down. As they close New ones open
  7. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    OK, they also opened in PA as well. I wouldn't advise anyone to go there with all the bad reports
  8. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    What! I never said anything about complaints with FLBON. I said NJBON. It's a accredited jersey school why would u think that. Not even close what I said. No one is watching them, they do everything by the book
  9. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    That was a couple years ago when they reported to NJBON when friend told me. But they went back to there old ways after that. They let some people go so it wouldn't look bad
  10. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Yes, an NJBON didn't do anything, but the school had started letting people take there boards. NJBON is very strict when it comes to students that fraud system same as Texas
  11. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Jc was taken to court years ago for not allowing students to take there NCLEX due to not passing exit exam. Jersey College has nothing to do with a student leaving and going to FL to defraud system. And why is everyone fixated on Jersey college when...
  12. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

  13. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    That is true. But that is the problem that hospitals are having when these RN's are applying from these schools
  14. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    There are people that got this on there license and going back to school but don't know what will happen but they are ny residents
  15. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Getting a bachelor's degree will not help, they look at the school u went to when u took your boards. Also if the board ever decide to take away license if they find school in any fraud, they will not care if u have a bachelor's or a NP license. Caus...
  16. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    There are hospitals that still have nurses from these Florida schools. Most of them were in other positions and got transitioned. But moving forward they are doing education verifications; Alot of them , there education cant be verified. Also these F...
  17. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Wow, that's so crazy. So the hospital will not take u.
  18. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    @Donna Thomas is this NY or Fl?
  19. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Wow is this in NY?
  20. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    They had to get ATT# from somewhere they just probably don't want to tell u where
  21. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    I honestly think the best thing is to go to a school in your state. Because getting a license in Florida and living in ny isn't going to change there mind. If your getting a license in Florida it's best to do travel nursing ( but not wise as a new RN...
  22. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    @Darp7288 There were people from Helen Flud school in NY doing that same thing and other schools. They bypassed the system and NYBON let them keep an active license instead of putting a hold until further notice. They basically helping the criminals ...
  23. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    That is not what she is saying, she said they never went to a florida school at all, they just got an att# which doesn't make sense. A school has to send there transcripts for completion.
  24. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Make sure u have a good lawyer that knows what there doing
  25. Nybon Nursing School Under Investigation

    Yes that is true. Also when Attorney general get involved they start looking into things; but ny is shady so who knows