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About Laylabrook

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  1. No. The board of nursing just visited the other day! Once the first cohort takes the NCLEX, it will determine their official accreditation. However, if they do poorly, we will still be able to sit for...
  2. Apparently many of the classes are meant to be "hybrid" but truly I feel like I am teaching everything to myself. Which is not great in a nursing program. I mean it's great for some people who don't...
  3. Also if you are black, Mexican, or anything of minority they are racist!! They have asked several people "do you have a learning
  4. For me personally they are very unorganized. I am in the second cohort and they struggle to keep staff. They are unfair with their grading systems and again very unorganized. The amount of busy work...
  5. As a current student, I say find another
  6. Congrats! See you then
  7. I just wanted to update everyone on the NCLEX rates from 2021 for Alverno since we were discussing it! It was 87.01% you can find this info at
  8. I’m in nevada so I’ll be moving! I’m excited about a new location though. The only down fall is arizona is more humid I hear
  9. I took my A&P and micro prerequisites at Portage learning! It was self paced and it was pretty easy-going to
  10. Thank you! I’m super excited, and yes it’s been 3 weeks
  11. I haven’t heard anything and I applied February 15th! I was told they were on Spring break last week! Hoping to hear back
  12. Sorry I am new to this site and I am still trying to figure out how to work everything LOL. But yes! That is how I am understanding as well. We should be able to see 2021 passing rates this year! I...
  13. Hey everyone, I've applied for the school as well and I’m now worried LOL. I did find their 2020 pass rates which was 96%!