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  1. Kent State ABSN

    Yes, I'm graduating in the
  2. Kent State ABSN

    Has anyone applied to the Summer 2022 ABSN program at Kent state? Would love to talk about it and the application
  3. Kent State ABSN

    If anyone sees this, do you have any information on how the point system works? I never was able to go to an information
  4. Kent State ABSN

    Has anyone recently applied for the Summer 2022 cohort of Kent State’s ABSN?? Just want to get on the same page as some other
  5. Kent State ABSN

    Has anyone applied to Kent State's ABSN program starting in the Summer of 2022? I'm trying to reach out to other applicants to see where your head is at with applying to this
  6. Kent State ABSN

    Has anyone applied to Kent State's ABSN program starting in the Summer of 2022? I'm trying to reach out to other applicants to see where your head is at with applying to this program. I just really...
  7. Has anyone applied to Kent State's ABSN program starting in the Summer of 2022? I'm trying to reach out to other applicants to see where your head is at with applying to this
  8. Has anyone applied for the Summer 2022 cohort of the ABSN at Kent State? I want to see where other applicants might be and also would love some advice from past graduates of the