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About Yanka3212

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  1. AE-MSN Curry College

    I don’t know any other way to contact classmates but my name Is Yanka Camacho if you’d like to connect on facebook
  2. AE-MSN Curry College

    Hi! I am attending the program in the Fall along with a friend from high school
  3. AE-MSN Curry College

    Well I submitted around 3 weeks ago but they started looking at applications on Monday and I found out today
  4. AE-MSN Curry College

    Hey! I received a call today and I was accepted to the program. I think I will be attending this Fall.
  5. AE-MSN Curry College

    Hi! Curry College recently added an AE-MSN program that starts Fall 2022. I was wondering if anybody applied to this program or has been accepted. Please let me know!
  6. UVM (vermont) DE-DNP Fall 2022

    I also have a question! Do we have to find our own clinical sites? I tried looking on the website and I cannot find anything.
  7. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    We live in Watertown, so I completely agree with the sentiment of staying close to home. I am a senior and I currently to school in Easton, MA, and I don’t want to leave MA either. I’m very impressed with the program and it is very great that she has...
  8. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    I just asked her. She told me it was a letter when she called me (she was very upset because it was the only program she applied to), but it was actually an email. She received the email on Thursday.
  9. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Hi! I emailed because I received two acceptances to other schools. I have to make a decision for mid-January. They don’t get back from break until Jan 3rd, 2022. But they should be reviewing us late applicants. Also, my friend received a reject...
  10. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    I submitted on the 27th of November and I am currently going crazy while waiting! Please let me know when you hear back ?
  11. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Hello! Congrats on getting accepted! How was your interview? Do you have any tips for preparing? Were there any difficult questions that stumped you? I’m very happy to hear from someone admitted! Thanks, Yanka
  12. Northeastern Direct Entry Fall 2022

    Hi! Do you have any advice or tips for the interview process? What is the best way to prepare? Thanks!
  13. UVM (vermont) DE-DNP Fall 2022

    Hi! I also applied to UVM. I am hoping to enter the FNP track. How was the information session? Is there any information you could pass on? Thank you, Yanka
  14. Hello everyone! I submitted my application for Northeastern's Direct Entry Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program. I was just thinking this could be a great space to provide updates, give each other tips, and ask any questions about the process. I know...
  15. Northeastern Direct Entry 2021

    Hi! I just applied for Fall 2022 and I was just wondering what the interview was like, the questions you were asked, and how you answered if possible. If anybody has any advice, I will gladly accept.