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About Keane517

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  1. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    I know the post about my daughter is rather old. But, I think it's important to write positive things. She got into the Cleveland clinic CRNA doctorate program in January of this year. She will start classes in June. Persistence definitely pays off a...
  2. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. I sincerely appreciate it.
  3. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    @CFRNtoSRNA Well, those are quite the assumptions to make about someone you don't know. She was mature enough to graduate in the top five of her class at Ohio State. She was mature enough to be given the job of her choice at Ohio State's hospita...
  4. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. It means a lot coming from someone who is part of the interviewing process. She's a smart kid but if you can not get through the interview process then you will not be able to show them they made a...
  5. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Should I sign her up for it now ? That would give her a year to go over all the material.
  6. Midwestern CRNA 2022

    Hi. My daughter applied this year to two schools. She got interviews at both places. Did not get in. She graduated with honors from Ohio State and has the ICU time but was told her interview skills are lacking. I don't think she has had many intervie...